“to bow down in the House of Rimmon”是一个圣经典故,意为“表面上与宗教信仰一致,但心里却有不同的政治主张”,即是说“口是心非”。
这个典故出自《圣经》( Bible) 的列王纪下(2 Kings) 第五章(Chapter 5) 部分,记载了叙利亚统帅乃缦(Naaman) 因为患有不治的皮肤病到以色列先知以利沙(Elisha) 那里就医。以利沙叫他在约里河(the River Jordan)中洗七次,乃缦开始不信,但后来听从了仆人建议在约里河中洗七次,病果然痊愈了。为了表示谢意,乃缦把带去的珍贵的礼物送给以利沙,但以利沙拒绝接受礼物。这件事大大感动了乃缦,使他改变了宗教信仰,转而信仰以色列上帝(Lord) ,表示今后对叙利亚利蒙神(Rimmon) 只是敷衍而已。
Then Naaman said ,“If not ,please let two mule - loads of earth be given to your servant ;for your servant will no longer offer burnt - offerings or sacrifice to any god except the Lord. But maythe Lord pardon your servant on one count :when my master goesinto the house of Rimmon to worship there ,leaning on my arm ,andI bow down in the house of Rimmon ,when I do bow down in thehouse of Rimmon ,may the Lord pardon your servant on this onecount. He said to him', Go in peace'.”(King II :5 :17~19)
“to bow down in the House of Rimmon”是一个圣经典故,意为“表面上与宗教信仰一致,但心里却有不同的政治主张”,即是说“口是心非”。
这个典故出自《圣经》( Bible) 的列王纪下(2 Kings) 第五章(Chapter 5) 部分,记载了叙利亚统帅乃缦(Naaman) 因为患有不治的皮肤病到以色列先知以利沙(Elisha) 那里就医。以利沙叫他在约里河(the River Jordan)中洗七次,乃缦开始不信,但后来听从了仆人建议在约里河中洗七次,病果然痊愈了。
为了表示谢意,乃缦把带去的珍贵的礼物送给以利沙,但以利沙拒绝接受礼物。这件事大大感动了乃缦,使他改变了宗教信仰,转而信仰以色列上帝(Lord) ,表示今后对叙利亚利蒙神(Rimmon) 只是敷衍而已。
圣经上是这样记载的: Then Naaman said ,“If not ,please let two mule - loads of earth be given to your servant ;for your servant will no longer offer burnt - offerings or sacrifice to any god except the Lord. But maythe Lord pardon your servant on one count :when my master goesinto the house of Rimmon to worship there ,leaning on my arm ,andI bow down in the house of Rimmon ,when I do bow down in thehouse of Rimmon ,may the Lord pardon your servant on this onecount. He said to him', Go in peace'.”(King II :5 :17~19)。
但他患有不治的大麻风病。以色列先知与医师以利沙(Elisha) 建议他在约旦河中洗七次,之后病真的痊愈了。
乃缦带去礼物送给以利沙表示谢意,以利沙婉拒了。这件事使得乃缦大为感动,于是他改变了宗教信仰,从此信仰以色列上帝(Lord) 并表示今后对叙利亚利蒙神(Rimmon) 只是敷衍而已。
因而“to bow down in the House of Rimmon”这一典故意为“表面上保留政治立场,但心里却有不同的政治主张”,即是“口是心非”。
I asked whether for him ,the arch anti-communist, this was not bowing down in the House of Rimmon.句中bowing down in the House of Rimmon 是成语典故,表示表面上与宗教信仰一致,但心里却有不同的政治主张,这是口是心非。
Rimmon是大马士革人所崇拜的神。House of Rimmon借指英国的下院。
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Getting up at the same time each day is the best way to ensure good sleep.
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