一天,他令儿子赫菲斯托斯用泥塑一美女像,并请众神赠予她不同的礼物。After the stealing of fire,Zeus became increasingly unkind to men.One day he ordered his son Hephaestus tobuild an image of a beautiful maiden out of clay.He then asked the gods and goddesses to award her with different kinds of gifts.Among others,Athena clothed her in an attractive coat and Hermes gave her the power of telling lies.A charming young lady,she was the first woman that ever lived.Zeus called her Pandora.Because she had received from each of the gods and goddesses a gift.The gift was harmful to men.Zeus decided to send her down to men as a present.So Hermes them essenger brought her to Epimetheus,brother of Prometheus.The greatness of her beauty touched the hearts of all who looked upon her,and Epimetheus happily received her into his house.He had quite forgotten Pometheus' warning:never to accept anything from Zeus.The couple lived a happy life for some time.Then trouble came on to the human world.When he was busy with teaching men the art of living,Prometheus had left a bigcask in the care of Epimetheus.He had warned his brother not to open the lid.Pandora was a curious woman.She had been feeling very disappointed that her husband did not allow her to take a look at the contents of the cask.One day,when Epimetheus was out,she lifted the lid and out itcame unrest and war,Plague and sickness,theft and violence,grief sorrow,and all the other evils.The human world was hence to experience these evils.Only hope stayed within the mouth of the jar and never flew out.So men always have hope within their hearts.偷窃天火之后,宙斯对人类的敌意与日俱增。
pandora's box
天神普罗米修斯从天上盗火种送给人类,人类学会了使用火,主神宙斯十分恼火,决定要让灾难也降临人间。他命令他的儿子火神赫淮斯托斯用泥土制作一个女人,名叫潘多拉(Pandora) , 意为“被授予一切优点的人”。每个神都对她有所赋予以使她完美。阿佛洛狄忒(Aphrodite)送给她美貌,赫耳墨斯(Hermes)送给她利嘴灵舌,阿波罗(Apollo)送给她音乐的天赋。宙斯给潘多拉一个密封的盒子,里面装满了祸害、灾难和瘟疫,让她送给娶她的男人。 宙斯将这位丽人遣送到人间,众神和凡人正在大地上休闲游荡,其乐融融,大家见了这无以伦比的漂亮女子,都十分惊奇,称羡不已,因为人类从未有过这样的女人。潘多拉立即去找“后觉者”厄庇墨透斯,他是普罗米修斯的弟弟,为人老实厚道。普罗米修斯深信宙斯对人类不怀好意,告诫他的弟弟厄庇透斯不要接受宙斯的赠礼。可他不听劝告,娶了美丽的潘多拉。潘多拉双手捧着她的礼物,这是一只密封的大礼盒。 她刚走到厄庇墨透斯近前时,突然打开了盒盖。厄庇墨透斯还未来得及看清盒内装的是什么礼物,一股祸害人间的黑色烟雾从盒中迅疾飞出,犹如乌云一般弥漫了天空,黑色烟雾中尽是疾病、疯癫、灾难、罪恶、嫉妒、偷窃、贪婪等各种各样的祸害,这些祸害飞速地散落到人间。而智慧女神雅典娜为了挽救人类命运而悄悄放在盒子底层的美好东西“希望”还没来得及飞出盒子,潘多拉就把盒子关上了。后即以“潘多拉魔盒”喻会带来不幸的礼物;灾难的渊薮。
一说潘多拉于是和埃庇米修斯生活在一起。不久后,普洛米修斯带给埃庇米修斯一个大箱子,并叮嘱一定不能打开,但潘朵拉是一个好奇心很重的女人,她想:“普通的一个箱子何必藏得这么隐秘?而且又盖得这么繁,到底为什么呢?”趁埃庇米修斯外出时,潘朵拉敲开了箱子。结果里面并没有潘朵拉所期待的东西,而是无数的灾祸虫害。在潘朵拉打开箱子以前,人类没有任何灾祸,生活宁静,那是因为所有的病毒恶疾都被关在箱中,人类才能免受折磨。由于潘朵拉的好奇和无知,灾祸们快乐地逃出来,从那时起,灾祸们日日夜夜、处处为害人类,使人类受苦。 慌乱中,潘朵拉及时地盖住大箱子,结果里面只留下了希望。因此,即使人类不断地受苦、被生活折磨,但是心中总是留有可贵的希望,才能自我激励。在死亡以前,希望永远存在,人生也绝对充满了美好的希望。
PANDORA Zeus made Pandora, the first mortal woman, because he was mad at Prometheus who had had given the mortals special gifts. Zeus decided to give the mortals one more gift, and that was Pandora. Each god gave her something to make her perfect. Venus gave her beauty, Mercury gave her persuasion, Apollo gave her music, Hephaestus gave her voice, Hermes gave her pettiness in her tiny brain, etc. Finally she was ready for Earth. Zeus gave her to Epimetheus ( Prometheus's brother). Prometheus had said to Epimetheus," Don't take anything from the Olympians, especially Zeus." Epimetheus was about to decline, but as soon as he looked at her and saw her beauty, he aceptedeus' gift. Epimetheus gave Pandora a box that she was forbidden to open. Every day Pandora wondered what was in the box. She knew she mustn't open it, but she was extremely curious and could not bear not to know its contents. As soon as she pulled the cover off, all of the evil and mistrust flew out into the world. When Pandora looked at the bottom of the box, she saw that the only thing left was hope.I think Pandora is interesting because each of the gods gave her something.Pandora's BoxAt first the life of man on earth was happier than it is now, and then miseries and discontents gradually crept in. Prometheus and Epimetheus created men only, not women.When Zeus was angry with mankind, he devised the worst punishment he could think of, and invented Woman. Hephaestus, the smith of the gods, was instructed to form her from the earth and make her irresistibly beautiful. Each of the gods gave her his own special gift of skill, and from this she was called Pandora, "all gifted".When she was perfected with every gift and arrayed in all her loveliness, this treacherous treasure was taken down to earth by Hermes, the messenger god who wears winged helmet and sandals to speed his flight, and given to Prometheus' foolish brother Epimetheus. Now Prometheus had warned his brother not to accept anything from Zeus, even if it looked like a gift sent in friendship; but Epimetheus as usual acted first and thought afterwards. He accepted the maiden from Hermes and led her into his house, and with her a great jar - some say a box or chest - which the gods had sent with her, telling her to keep it safely but never think of opening it.This was too much for a lively girl like Pandora, who among her gifts was endowed with the first feminine curiosity. After restraining it for a little while, she at last gave in and lifted the lid from the jar, and from that moment began the sorrows of mankind. For each of the gods had stored in it the worst thing he was able to give, and wonderful as had been the gifts with which they endowed her, just as dreadful were the evils that rushed eagerly from the jar in a black stinking cloud like pestilent insects - sickness and suffering, hatred and jealousy and greed, and all the other cruel things that freeze the heart and bring on old age.Pandora tried to clap the lid on the jar again, but it was too late. The happy childhood of mankind had gone forever, and with it the Golden Age when life was easy. From then on man had to wrest a hard living by his own labour from the unfriendly ground.Only one good thing came to man in the jar and remains to comfort him in his distress, and that is the spirit of Hope.Pandoraby Micha F. LindemansIn Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman on earth. Zeus ordered Hephaestus, the god of craftsmanship, to create her and he did, using water and earth. The gods endowed her with many talents; Aphrodite gave her beauty, Apollo music, Hermes persuasion, and so forth. Hence her name: Pandora, "all-gifted". When Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus took vengeance by presenting Pandora to Epimetheus, Prometheus' brother. With her, Pandora had a jar which she was not to open under any circumstance. Impelled by her natural curiosity, Pandora opened the jar, and all evil contained escaped and spread over the earth. She hastened to close the lid, but the whole contents of the jar had escaped, except for one thing which lay at the bottom, and that was Hope. 潘多拉 潘多拉(Pandora) 意思为“被赋予一切天赋的” 提坦神普罗米修斯从天上盗火种送给人类,人类学会了使用火,主神宙斯十分恼火,为了抵消火给人类带来的巨大好处,宙斯决定要让灾难也降临人间。
据此英语中常借用Pandora's box一语喻指“灾祸之源”,用open Pandora's box 表示“引起种种祸患”。
潘多拉盒子 即潘多拉魔盒(希腊典故)。一般来说它寓意着灾难。
女神雅典娜(Athena)给了她无知(not wisdom),并教女人织布,制造出各颜各色的美丽衣织,使女人看来更加鲜艳迷人
神的使者赫尔墨斯(Hermes)传授她语言的天赋,即说谎的天赋(the ability to telling lies)
宙斯赐给了这个女性名字“潘多拉”。在古希腊语中,Pandora含有“all-gifted”-“because all the Olympians gave her a gift”(具有一切天赋之意),所以“潘多拉”即为“拥有一切天赋的女人”。
据此英语中常借用Pandora's box一语喻指“灾祸之源”,用open Pandora's box 表示“引起种种祸患”。
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