My school does the state in Jishou, travels southward from people Lu Wang, in probably is apart from the lucky first city 7 kilometer place southeast directions, some historical glorious middle school, it is the western Hunan people's proud province Key school, my dear alma mater--The western Hunan autonomous prefecture nationality middle school, it has bred the innumerable talented person's cradle. The school floor space amounts to more than 160 Chinese acres, constructed in 1836, at present was being expanded massively. The school front door is the careful design modernized construction, other characteristic, enters the school gate, what first heaves in sight is a stretch of spacious flat land, by the unique exquisite white, the pink small ceramic tile upholstery becomes, it is a schoolmates' moving field, left side has a small publication pavilion, has one's wish for schoolmates chooses inside and outside the class the books. The flat land dead ahead is a small flower-bed, assumes the semicircle, the fine vulture fine-pointed finish's flower-bed railing is a beautiful scenery line, moreover, many celebrity's statues arrange neatly in the flower-bed, dignified solemn and respectful, has great scientist Einstein, has educationalist Kong Zi who has great learning and so on. They are our examples, drove that we study. Passes through the flat land to turn is the athletic field main entrance toward left, this is a multi-purpose ellipse athletic field, 400 meters runways are surrounding the broad soccer field, the verdant sod the school special management, male schoolmates gives full play in the field, a prosperous picture, the games and so on major-type activity holds in here. Stands in the athletic field central committee, according to the horizontal plan direction, gains ground to gazes westwards, two buildings stand and wait for a long time above the multistage stairs, here is the school soul center--The teaching building, left side altogether has 5, right side altogether has 8, the classroom distribution according to the grade decompose, is advantageous for the management high, the classroom the approximately 3 meters, wide the approximately 6 meters, the length is 11 meters, the bright glass window, the brand-new furniture, have built the good learning environment for us. Looks to the east is the high six leisurely husbands science and technology building, here has the biological laboratory, the physical laboratory as well as the high tech technology multimedia classrooms, calculates the engine room, everybody earnest completes each task. Technical building's behind, is the fine reputation for the sweet osmanthus garden small garden, the cassia bud flower opens, ten miles smell as sweet in here manifest incisively, the big trees, the blue green grass, is joined to elegant Shi Zhuo again the stone stool, the good exquisite drawing, lonesome and quiet environment attraction many schoolmates come this early morning to read and so on, in the grove cover place is the artistic humanity's world, the piano, the zheng, the guitar 。
Here has everything expected to find, the wonderful music spreads over the entire sweet osmanthus garden. The student's dormitory is suffering the sweet osmanthus garden tightly, altogether seven, the structure has the difference, female student dormitory right side is respectively leads to the cafeteria the alley, has our poem wall, has the literature breath very much; Also several small lawns, the track alternation which becomes by the cobblestone shop in which, Luo Shengjiao the statue stand upright in the midpoint, we will remember forever this great soldier 。
The lawn dead ahead is the cafeteria which the new construction becomes, building altogether three, first two are the student cafeterias, third is uses for teacher, the facility and so on also calculates the consummation. Certainly, the above only introduced a school part, actually sufficiently manifests the school the reasonable arrangement, I believed that will be born on this land more a people of great ability and tremendous potential. 在吉首市乾州,从人民路往南行,在大约距吉首城区7公里处的东南方向,有一所历史悠久的中学,它就是湘西人民引以为豪的省重点学校,我亲爱的母校--湘西自治州民族中学,它是孕育了无数人才的摇篮。
学校的建筑面积达160多亩,建于1836年,目前正在大规模地扩建中。 学校的大门是精心设计的现代化建筑,别具特色,走进校门,首先映入眼帘的是一片宽敞的平地,由别致小巧的白色、粉红色小瓷砖铺垫而成,它是同学们的一处活动场,左侧有一个小小报刊亭,供同学们随心所欲地选择课内外书籍。
2. 众所周知,中国的自然资源丰富.
An Invitation to New Year's Party
Dear 。
How are you doing recently? I miss you so much.
We are going to have a New Year's Party in my home at this weekend. Many of our old friends will come to have fun. Will you please come to join us? If you are free, please come to my house at 6pm on this Saturday. I'm looking forward to meeting you.
Yesterday I paid a visit to a model high school, together with my friend. It's very big with a beautiful fountain in the center of the schoolyard.
We started our visit from the main building. First we went to the lab building where some students were doing experiments. Then we entered the lecture hall behind the lab building and saw many students listening to a lecture given by a professor. Opposite to the lecture hall was the art center. There we watched groups of students playing musical instruments. Finally we arrived at the playground at the far back of the school. Some boys were having a football game, which was so exciting that we couldn't help cheering for them.
It was really an impressive visit.
校园 按空间顺序写的作文
Yesterday, I went to school to learn to learn brother. School profile schools, cultural atmosphere, so that all of our colleagues amazed. A Jinjiao, everyone was shocked and tidy campus. This is a township school, the campus can keep so clean, it was the number of support staff in order to achieve this cleanliness ah? When we asked this question, the school's headmaster told us that the school's health, green only a janitor in doing this work. Headmaster's answer shocked us again, which is amazing. One detail I have to mention that the school toilets actually have toilet paper, and then we visited the canteen, dormitory, playground, laboratory.。
Look , I have a nice room . Come and have a look . It's small and nice . There is a big bed , a small desk , a shelf and a closet . The bed is near the desk . There is a shelf near the closet too . Many good books are in the shelf . I like the books very much . Oh , yes , There is a big board on the wall . I often write and draw pictures on the board . Oh , My bedroom is too beautiful . I like it very much . Do you like my bedroom? Can you tell me about your beroom , please ? 看,我有舒适房间,过来看看,小而漂亮,有张大床,张小桌,书架碃辅百恍知喝版桶保垃和衣柜,床桌子旁边,书架也衣柜旁边,多好书都书架上,我非常喜欢书,哦,,有大黑板墙上,我经常写和画些图片黑板上. 哦,我卧室太漂亮了,我非常喜欢,喜欢我卧室,请有告诉我卧室?。
一走进学校大门,首先看到的是我们的教学大楼。教学大楼是四层的,墙壁是橙色的,每扇窗子都亮晶晶的,南墙上镶嵌着我们的校训:诚信 好学 和谐 创新。教学大楼里有许多教室,还有微机室、实验室、图书室、音乐教室、语音室。。里面不时传来老师讲课和同学们讨论、发言、朗读、歌唱的声音。
校园 按空间顺序写的作文校园是我们非常熟悉的地方;校园,我们共同学习的地方,校园,我们共同学的地方;校园使我们一起生活的地方;校园是我们的第二个家.它像火红的太阳照耀着我们,像春天的雨水滋润着我们.让我们无时无刻不忘自己肩上的重任.“明礼善行,德润人生”.这醒目的标语,时刻印在我们每一个人的心中.没错,这就是我们学校的办学理念.一踏进大门,一个操场就呈现在我们眼前,操场的左右两边分别有一个篮球架,它们就像卫兵一样,不怕苦不怕累,日夜守护着我们的校园,操场的四周都种着小叶榕,每逢夏天的时候,你就会看见同学们有的在树下乘凉,有的则在树下看书,还有的在树下做游戏……操场的正中间,就是神圣的升旗台,鲜艳的五星红旗飘扬在升旗台的旗杆上,显得那么安详.每逢星期一,全校师生便来到操场,参加庄严的升旗仪式.随着国歌,国旗有节奏地冉冉升起,师生们也都敬起了礼.沿着左边的楼梯往上走,你就会发现,楼梯旁边有一个小花园,这时你会情不自禁地往右看:原来右边也有一个小花园,这花园虽不大,可却别有一番风味.春天,野花盛开,满是绿色的景象,蝴蝶在草丛中翩翩起舞,辛勤的蜜蜂则在采蜜;夏天,这里的草别提有多绿了,如果是绵羊见了都会直流口水呢!秋天,这花园里唯一的一棵树,树上的叶子变黄了,纷纷扬扬从树枝下落下来,犹如一只只黄蝴蝶款款底飞;冬天,这里白雪皑皑,仿佛世界都变白了.于是,三步并作两步,来到了学习天堂,静静地听着琅琅读书声,仿佛身临其境;在仔细瞧瞧同学们聚精会神的样子,而且个个都抖擞,他们的声音响彻了整个校园,装饰着美丽的校园,令无限风光的校园里锦上添花,在隆化六小里处处洋溢着学习的气氛,处处装饰着诗情画意……这就是承载了我小学年的无数快乐与梦想,眼泪与忧伤的校园,这里每一个棵树、每一级台阶、每一条走廊都是那么的熟悉和亲切,还有那两座老旧的教学楼却培养了一代又一代的学生.这样美丽的校园怎能不使我们展翅高飞?怎能不使我们向往未来呢?。
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