A walking safety knowledge
Take care when walking on the sidewalk walking, in the absence of sidewalks depends on the local walking in the street. Crossing the road to be traversed Street flyover or underground channel, no flyovers and underground channel should leave the local Channel; In areas not designated pedestrian crossings to be taken when crossing the road between vehicles, not to cut through, Match; Through crossroads, it is necessary to obey the traffic police command and obey traffic signal; in a parapet or spraying on the road not to cross the road.
骑车外出的同学,出行前要先检查一下车辆的铃、闸、锁、牌是否齐全有效,保证没有问题后方可 上路。在道路上要在非机动车道内行驶,没有划分车道要靠右边行驶。通过路口时要严守信号,停车不要越 过停车线;不要绕过信号行驶;不要骑车逆行;不扶肩并行;不双手离把骑车;不攀扶其他车辆;不在便道 上骑车。在横穿4条以上机动车道或中途车闸失效时,须下车推行;骑车转弯时要伸手示意,不要强行猛拐 。
The safe target and safety ensure that system and measure insist on "safety is the top priority , prevention is the top priority " guiding principle , build perfect safe administrative organization organization , perfect safety at work guarantee system , there are no vicious driving and all above accident , there are no the project grave accident, occurrence guarding against the general accident, wipe out all accidents due to negligence , ensure that the people life property is not damaged , establish the safety at work standard construction site. Safe administrative organization of perfect safe building-up administrative organization organization organization safety administration duty puts the country's various legal norm about safety at work into effect , carries out various safe practice of higher authority directive rules; The major inspection analysing safety at work circumstances , carrying out safety at the regular intervals at the regular intervals, convenes the safe working conference at the regular intervals; Sum up and arrange the safety at work job; Safe scheme of significant construction of decision-making; Work out various safe project system regulation; Carry out responsibility system for safety in production; Organization the entire personnel safety educates training. This safe conduct system bid Duan engineering construction insists on "safety first , prevention is the top priority " and insists on "being in charge of production to must be in charge of safety , be in charge of a technology must be in charge of safe " principle, reinforce safety at work propaganda and education , strengthen the entire personnel safety at work mental consciousness , found administration and safety at work management system improving various safety at work , allocate sole duty and the safe inspector who holds two or more posts concurrently , have an activity to organize , have to lead a field to carry out safety at work. All of the various levels leader , engineers and technicians , the personnel who produces the handling crew and concrete operations, must know various regulation , simultaneous achieving giving birth to a child very well and observe, plan , arrange a job , examine , sum up and compare and assess. Safety ensures that measure builds perfect various safe system being labeled with the Duan project characteristic according to , works out the various safe management system having a pertinency: Machinery of all kinds safety school assignment system; Safe system of power consumption; Construction site Bao An school assignment system; Measure such as flood protection , fire prevention , Saposhnikovia divaricata; The express highway affects section of an area school assignment safe practice; Safe lifting school assignment system; Denotational various safe warning interposing and defending measure and so on. Responsibility system for safety in production responsibility system for safety in production is that synthetical various safety at work manages , handles directive rules , the personnel , the builder should assume safe responsibility definitely coming out to all of the various levels leader , every functional departments , engineers and technicians , schedule control. A everybody the safe job of messenger is formed says safety , everything is safe , thinks of safety from time to time, want safe atmosphere everywhere. The safety at work Bao Bao system of personal responsibility project manager is the first responsibility people of safety at work. The project manager , project assistant manager , project chief engineer , every functional departments person in charge , construction team leader conclude and sign the safety at work Bao Bao responsibility book one by one step till the builder,from builder of the grass-roots unit gets up most, manage tier of safety at work one by one step to higher authority being responsible, until project manager , the safety ensuring that the entirety works with all of the various levels , every branch's safety , implement at every level safety system of personal responsibility aspect. The item is examined.。
你好:Nowdays,There have been an increasing number of traffic accidents. Traffic safety, fastens the end house. According to reports that many accidents are caused due to people for violating traffic rules. In order to keep everyone's security, we must remember the traffic rules.Now I talk about what I know.
First,many people are running the red light, disregard of traffic police, speed and drunk driving and so on.Those phenomenons are so risk for us.We must to be so careful to this problems.They are so dangrous.
Next,I want to tell you my opinons.We should be do many things like pay attention to traffic safety,punish the offenders.
Last but not least, I hope we can have a good futere .And I believe we can do it.
Best wishes!
LI Hua
As everyone knows, fire is harsh. But, in the pitiless fire before, if can effectively preventing, can escape HuoMo violations, get rid of disaster and pain.
In the family before the fire, some people take away the precious life, Some people HuangBuZeLu and jump off dead or permanent disability. So, how to do in the next HuoMo pursued leisurely effective escape? The author thinks that might as well at home to prepare such 4 piece "treasures" : a fire extinguisher, a root with household (insurance) rope, a flashlight and a simple smoke mask, used to prevent in case and emergency need.
Any fire, when beginning is all small fire in the home, if prepare a fire extinguisher, and ability to operate it, so when a spark ?
下面的内容也相关: 251、施工组织措施应包括哪些安全内容? 答:(1)施工前做好图纸资料消化工作和技术交底;(2)进行脚手架、安全网架设计;(3)制定主体交叉作业隔离防护措施;(4)现场电气设计及防触电措施;(5)防雷措施、防火、防爆、防尘、防毒措施;(6)季节性施工的安全措施。 252、安全评价工作的目的是什么? 答:安全评价工作的目的是从防止电业生产特大、重大、恶性和频发性事故出发,对设备系统、劳动安全、作业环境和生产管理中存在的主要危险因素进行辩论,摸清安全基础的底数。
253、安全帽有哪六种基本性能? 答:(1)冲击性能;(2)耐穿透性能;(3)耐低温性能;(4)耐燃烧性能;(5)电绝缘性能;(6)侧向钢性。 254、安全工作中的四个第一是什么? 答:各行工作中安全工作第一;安全工作中人身安全第一;各项安全措施中安全思想第一;在安全思想教育中自我保护意识第一。
255、班组安全管理的一个活动、两个交底、三个坚持是什么? 答: 一个活动是:班组长在每天上班前,结合当天工作任务进行安全教育活动。 两个交底是:在检修或施工开工前,工作负责人向全体工作人员进行技术交底和安全交底。
三个坚持是:坚持每周一次的安全日活动;坚持每项工作都要明确安全负责人;坚持安全器具的定期试验。 256、安全工作"四个一样"的内容是什么? 答:领导在场与不在场一样;晚上和白天一样;简单工作与复杂工作一样;不是工作负责人和工作负责人一样。
257、什么是安全六个一工程活动? 答:即在企业对每一个职工开展"查一个事故隐患、提一条安全建议、背诵一条安全规程、讲一件事故教训、当一周安全监督员、献一元安措经费"的活动。 258、对担任高处作业的人员身体状况有哪些规定? 答:担任高处作业人员必须身体健康,患有精神病、癫痫病及经医师鉴定患有高血压、心脏病等不宜从事高处作业病症的人员,不准参加高处作业,凡发现工作人员有饮酒、精神不振时,禁止登高作业。
259、对工作票填写有哪些要求? 答:(1)工作票应用钢笔或圆珠笔填写一式两份;(2)许可进行工作的事项(包括工作编号、工作任务、许可时间和完工时间);(3)工作票不准进行任意涂改;(4)工作票必须由签发人和工作负责人亲自办理,其他人不能代签代办。 260、为什么要经常性进行防火安全检查? 答:开展防火检查之所以不是一劳永逸的事,这是由于:(1)任何一个单位的生产、生活设施以及生产、经营、科研等任务,总是在不断地发展变化之中,采取的防火措施,也是随之而变;(2)不同的季节、气候对防火安全有着不同的要求;(3)人们对防火安全工作的认识,也往往随着工作环境、工艺设备等因素的变化而变化。
所以要经常性地进行防火安全检查。 261、悬挂标示牌有什么作用? 答:悬挂标示牌可以提醒有关人员引起注意,向正确方面引导,不发生错误或及时纠正不正确的行为。
262、例行工作中,班前会和班后会的内容是什么? 答:班前会:接班(开工)前,结合当班运行方式和工作任务,作好危险点分析,布置安全措施,交代注意事项。 班后会:总结讲评当班工作和安全情况,表扬好人好事,批评忽视安全、违章作业等不良现象,并做好记录。
263、防止发生对社会造成重大影响、对资产造成重大损失的七种事故有哪些? 答:①人身死亡;②大面积停电;③大电网瓦解;④电厂垮坝;⑤主设备严重损坏;⑥严重火灾;⑦核泄漏。 264、三级安全网是指的哪些人员? 答:企业安全监督人员、车间安全员、班组安全员。
265.什么是安全生产? 答:安全生产是指生产经营单位在劳动生产过程中的人身安全、设备安全、产品安全和交通运输安全等。 266.事故调查报告应包括哪些内容? 答:报告应包括:事故经过、基本事实、原因分析、结论意见、责任分析、处理意见、预防措施。
267.生产经营单位哪些行为逾期未改正,责令停产停业整顿,并处二万元以上十万元以下罚款? 答:(1)生产、经营、使用危险物品,未建立专门安全管理制度、未采取可靠的安全措施或者不接受有关主管部门依法实施的监督管理的。(2)对重大危险源未登记建档,或者未进行评估、监控,或者未制定应急预案的。
(3)进行爆破、吊装等危险作业,未安排专门管理人员进行现场安全管理的。 268.从业人员面对本单位安全生产管理工作中存在的问题有哪些权利? 答:(1)从业人员有权对本单位安全生产管理中存在的问题提出批评、检举、控告,(2)从业人员有权拒绝违章指挥和强令冒险作业。
269、安全工作反"三违"其内容是什么? 答:1)违章指挥;2)违章作业;3)违反劳动纪律 270、使用多长时间的绝缘杆须进行耐压实验,实验合格后方可再使用? 答:使用一年的绝缘杆需进行耐压实验,实验合格后方可再使用。 。
——培根The safety of the people should be the supreme law.- Bacon2、轻声是安全之母。——巴尔扎克Soft voice is the mother of safety.-- Balzac3、安全生产你管我管,大家管才平安,事故隐患你查我查,人人查方安全。
——李谨You are in charge of the safety production. You are in charge of safety. If you look into the hidden danger of the accident, you can check it for me.- Li Jin4、开车第一要事,请系好安全带--广东省公安厅交通管理局The first thing to do, please fasten your seat belt -- Traffic Administration Bureau of Guangdong Provincial Public Security Bureau.5、安全第一,预防为主,综合治理。——骆凯Safety first, prevention first, comprehensive management.- Luo Kai。
Traffic safety is everyone's business.Citing records show that every year a lot of people die in traffic accidents.Some of the accidents are due to mechanical problems.However,most of them are the results of careless and reckless driving,and could be avoided.A lot of people disregard traffic signals and rules.They drive regardless of speed limits,run through red lights,drive in the wrong direction,talk and laugh while driving,and turn as they wish without giving signals.They don't slow down while approaching crossroads.So many people violate traffic regulations that we cannot put too much emphasis on the importance of traffic safety.Only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody's business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.。
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