.; (HR) have largely replaced the term "personnel management" as a description of the processes involved in managing people in organizations.[1] Human Resource management is evolving rapidly. Human resource management is both an academic theory and a business practice that addresses the theoretical and practical techniques of managing a workforce. Features Its features include..Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business.[1] The terms "human resource management".those decisions and actions which concern the management of employees at all levels in the business and which are related to the implementation of strategies directed towards creating and sustaining competitive advantage" (p. 352). Academic theory The goal of human resource management is to help an organization to meet strategic goals by attracting, and maintaining employees and also to manage them effectively. The key word here perhaps is "fit", i.e. a HRM approach seeks to ensure a fit between the management of an organization's employees, and the overall strategic direction of the company (Miller, 1989). The basic premise of the academic theory of HRM is that humans are not machines, therefore we need to have an interdisciplinary examination of people in the workplace. Fields such as psychology, industrial engineering, industrial and organizational psychology, industrial relations, sociology, and critical theories: postmodernism, post-structuralism play a major role. Many colleges and universities offer bachelor and master degrees in Human Resources Management. One widely used scheme to describe the role of HRM, developed by Dave Ulrich, defines 4 fields for the HRM function:[6] Strategic business partner Change agent Employee champion Administration However, many HR functions these days struggle to get beyond the roles of administration and employee champion, and are seen rather as reactive than strategically proactive partners for the top management. In addition, HR organizations also have the difficulty in proving how their activities and processes add value to the company. Only in the recent years HR scholars and HR professionals are focusing to develop models that can measure if HR adds value.[7] Critical Academic Theory Postmodernism plays an important part in Academic Theory and particularly in Critical Theory. Indeed Karen Legge in 'Human Resource Management: Rhetorics and Realities' possess the debate of whether HRM is a modernist project or a postmodern discourse (Legge 2004). In many ways, critically or not, many writers contend that HRM itself is an attempt to move away from the modernist traditions of personnel (man as machine) towards a postmodernist view of HRM (man as individuals). Critiques include the notion that because 'Human' is the subject we should recognize that people are complex and that it is only through various discourses that we understand the world. Man is not Machine, no matter what attempts are made to change it i.e. Fordism / Taylorism, McDonaldisation (Modernism). Critical Theory also questions whether HRM is the pursuit of "attitudinal shaping" (Wilkinson 1998), particularly when considering empowerment, or perhaps more precisely pseudo-empowerment - as the critical perspective notes. Many critics note the move away from Man as Machine is often in many ways, more a Linguistic (discursive) move away than a real attempt to recognise the Human in Human Resource Management. Critical Theory, in particular postmodernism (poststructualism), recognises that because the subject is people in the workplace, the subject is a complex one, and therefore simplistic notions of 'the best way' or a unitary perspectives on the subject are too simplistic. It also considers the complex subject of power, power games, and office politics. Power in the workplace is a vast and complex subject that cannot be easily defined. This leaves many critics to suggest that Management 'Gurus', consultants, 'best practice' and HR models are often overly simplistic, but in order to sell an idea, they are simplified, and often lead Management as a whole to fall into the trap of oversimplifying the relationship. Business practice Human resources management comprises several processes. Together they are supposed to achieve the above mentioned goal. These processes can be performed in an HR 。
Key functions of HR
Human Resources may set strategies and develop policies, standards, systems, and processes that implement these strategies in a whole range of areas. The following are typical of a wide range of organizations:
Maintaining awareness of and compliance with local, state and federal labor laws
Recruitment, selection, and on boarding (resourcing)
Employee record-keeping and confidentiality
Organizational design and development
Business transformation and change management
Performance, conduct and behavior management
Industrial and employee relations
Human resources (workforce) analysis and workforce personnel data management
Compensation and employee benefit management
Training and development (learning management)
Employee motivation and morale-building (employee retention and loyalty)
In the initial days, my occupation planning and dream in life is to become a writer, and now the company, now work is my only the tools of the trade and collection of material springboard. In an instant, 10 years has passed, my writer's life dream has shriveled yellow like rotting apple more, but another dream as the stars in the sky shining: I want to be a good HR.I want to be a good HR. When I was in the executive office work, I found that completes the innumerable petty things can bring help and happiness to people, and the little things, the personnel involved of the need for more professional, attentive, patience and enthusiasm.I want to be a good HR. In the preparation of the human resources department, my initial understanding of several major modules of human resource, and salary, training, human resources information system module based combat exercises, it is my very busy and full years. Remember to cry and shed bitter tears once in huadengchushang night is unable to let the leadership satisfactory solutions, remember frequently shuttle in the social insurance bureau, bureau of unemployment, training center, for each employee to solve small but practical problems related to the vital interests of, look at colleagues to solve the problem or breathed sighs of relief, or be jubilant, or grateful eyes, heart warm, let me feel the meaning and value of HR.I want to be a good HR. When you really as a HR in the enterprise work, I also worked for what is suitable for their own development path, several modules which one should be their own efforts direction. Don't stop listening training, experience, and peer exchange, but for their own development path or ignorant, or hesitation, or hesitate.I want to be a good HR. Reality didn't leave me a choice. I left the HR position. Perhaps it is "I do not know the true face of Mount Lu, just because in the mountains", the new post view lets me have the opportunity to re observe the original human resources department colleagues, suddenly aware of many of the original human resources department was aware of the problem: the development of the system must be based on understanding of the working process of the system; the implementation of important is that executives to understand a system and the human resources department and the business department of communication; information and data of human resource based on the importance of improving the efficiency and value of the work of human resources. I also find that, the original HR is everywhere, although not in HR's work, but the work I is still part of the work involved HR (I now engaged in the party and the propaganda work, more HR is related to employee relations and training aspects of the business, including the staff management, let me first the real from the manager's point of view to re-examine the HR work).I want to be a good HR. Although I am not in the HR position. I will continue to study the various aspects of HR knowledge to enrich themselves, will explore the political work and employee relationship integration and combination, and training in the process of establishment of a system of political work can play the role and the practical work to do.I want to be a good HR. I'll try to do. Maybe one day, life of serendipity will take me back to the HR job, hope that one day I can play a real professional level and higher value, to help more people and let them work, happy life.。
英文:human resources manager 简称:HR manager
人力资源经理,人力资源部门工作的管理者。 原来叫人事经理。他们之间最大的区别就在于人力资源经理重在开发人力资源,而人事经理重在使用人力资源。 人力资源与传统的自然资源不同,属于无限开发资源;当然,光使用不开发,也会枯竭的——这正是当今企业都将人事部的牌子拿下,换上人力资源部的原因所在。 人力资源经理:计划、指导和协调机构的人事活动,确保人力资源合理利用,管理理赔、人事策略和招聘等。
“人力资源部”的概念是在上世纪末从美国引入的,在此之前,我国企业中的人事管理部门叫人事部。 人力资源部是对企业中各类人员形成的资源(即把人作为资源)进行管理的部门。
M广州黄明坚 主题讨论: 管理类、技术类、销售类等学习是我们在企业中常见的学习课程和形式,现在随着公司发展,经常有需要与外籍人士交流,但是大家英语水平都不咋地,交流有困难,老板提出想开展一些关于英语学习或者英语学习的活动。请问,各位M:您所在的企业有没有开展过英语学习的活动?是怎么开展的?效果如何?各位T:作为讲师,您对于企业开展英语学习或者学习有什么心得及建议?各位S:对于开展英语学习,您有什么想法?请1、、、顺序发言,0字以上。谢谢!ST合肥陈培松 1、一般来说,英语和计算机都属于技能。多练练,并坚持就容易上路了。如果有条件,找几个老外举办一些沙龙,还是很不错的。我以前参加过,氛围很好。S郑州崔颖颖 、可以安排定期的英语角,比如晚上-10点,在某个地方,大家都用英语互相交流。噢 对了 我现在学的ABC夫下英语的助教说过 如果要学好英语是很容易的 必须要有一个好的学习空间与实习口语对象 重点就是老师教学经验 标准口音非常重要,保持逐日口语学习,1&1家教式教学就有非常.好.的学习成果..完成课堂后记得重复温习课程录音音频 把所学知识融会贯通 不过实在没有人可以指导,最好能上 VOA或沪江拿到课余学习材料阅读,多说、多练、多问、多听、多读,不知不觉的语境就提升起来 学习效益是必定最佳的;M深圳刘国锋 、有举办过,当时是一位意大利的设计师过来,当时是一种交流的方式,要求有一个场景对话,如果英语表达不对的话,要求学员教老师一句成语并解释意思,学习效率、实用性高,氛围很好!S广州毛斌红 、现在有很多针对基础的英语训练营,既然可以有新员工训练营,我觉得也可以考虑这样的英语训练营。M深圳芦娟娟 、深圳广州一带有TOSMAST(头马)演讲英文俱乐部,有标准的科学的流程,每周一次聚会,旨在提高沟通力及领导力,英语能力。偶旁观过一次。有兴趣的朋友可以去了解观摩学习。上网就可以找到 在上家单位时,有台湾籍同事每周给英语爱好者进行英语角学习,还有作业布置,英语演讲比赛等。近三年没有参加了。M深圳方思琪 、补充娟娟的建议,Toastmasters(头马)演讲俱乐部,遍布世界各地,旨在提高演讲技巧及领导力,通用的是英语演讲及点评方式进行。有标准的科学的流程和竞争激励机制,在轻松的环境下学习英语。有兴趣的朋友可以去了解观摩学习。T广州侯熙儒 、做英语学习和英语角并不难,关键是吸取经验,并且要有管理。我把自己之前在企业组织英语学习的经验用PDCA的理论简单总结如下:①、P环节: 有要精心的准备,比如提前要确定好主题、组织者、检查者、如何反馈、下雨了怎么转移等细节。用林书豪的话说,要有‘系统’。举个例子。例1:主题策划 如果做英语角,主题必须提前计划,否则学员及老师都无法进行精心准备。这个主题必须要能体现学员的需求,如果主题太远,对业务帮助不大,大家的兴趣也不大 常见一个现象是,主题没有很好地规划,在前几次,大家因为对老外有新鲜感都来了,但等新鲜感过去就不来了,所以主题要提前明确、学员可以提前准备,后来规定本月初要做好下月讨论的主题。同时规定,组织者必须为大家准备和讨论主题相关的单词甚至道具。例:谁负责 有些公司搞英语角是业余活动,HR叫某位热心同事负责,结果呢,这位下属有时去,有时不去,结果自然而知。后来确定管理英语角是她的一项职责,要求她必须提前准备词汇、统计人数、之后收集反馈,效果自然不同。例:参加者如何反馈 参加者如何表达自己的需求及想法?是发邮件给HR老大,还是在公司内部上建立一个英语学习BBS?不管哪一种途经,只要有准备,效果都会不错。②、DO环节:要按计划执行,不要随意变更,这个就不多说了。③、C环节: 在进行过程中,一定要检查到位。因为讲英语不是一件容易的事情,尤其是对于基础不好的人。现场如果没有管理,通常会变成露天的中文聊天广场,甚至会出现完全不懂英语的男士到现场泡MM的现象。检查的要项有很多,比如如果有老外来,要看看新来的老外有没有人气,口音是否纯正等。④、A环节。活动出现问题怎么办?一定要按准备的方案及时纠正。如果是没有预料到的问题,一定要和大家共同讨论,决定下一步怎么做。另外,如果进行得不错,对于表现突出的要有奖励,也要让领导知道。毕竟,这是经过努力管理出来的业绩。总而言之,学英语是一项常见的行为,既可以是个体行为,也可以成为组织行为 如果是公司行为,就不能表现为群众自发的一种行为,一定要体现出团队学习的特征,有系统、有组织、有管理,和其他项目管理的原理一样,重在内部管理,不能指望任何外来的公司或讥构,因为他们不知道你要学习什么。只要坚持,就一定能取得所期望的绩效。
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