任何单位不得组织未成年人扑救火灾。 2.切莫乱扔烟头和火种。
3.室内装修装饰不宜采用易燃可燃材料。 4.消火栓关系公共安全,切勿损坏、圈占或埋压。
5.爱护消防器材,掌握常用消防器材的使用方法。 6.切勿携带易燃易爆物品进入公共场所、乘坐公共交通工具。
7.进入公共场所要注意观察消防标志,记住疏散方向。 8.在任何情况下都要保持疏散通道畅通。
9.任何人发现有危及公共消防安全的行为,都可向公安消防部门或值勤公安人员举报。 10.生活用火要特别小心,火源附近不要放置可燃、易燃物品。
11.发现煤气泄漏,速关阀门,打开门窗,切勿触动电器开关和使用明火。 12.电器线路破旧老化要及时修理更换。
13.电路保险丝(片)熔断,切勿用铜线铁线代替。 14.不能超负荷用电。
15.发现火灾速打报警电话 119,消防队救火不收费。 16.了解火场情况的人,应及时将火场内被围人员及易燃易爆物品情况告诉消防人员。
17.火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不要贪恋财物。 18.必须穿过浓烟逃生时,应尽量用浸湿的衣物被裹身体,捂住口鼻,贴近地面。
19.身上着火,可就地打滚,或用厚重衣物覆盖压灭火苗。 20.大火封门无法逃生时,可用浸湿的被褥、衣物等堵塞门缝、泼水降温,呼救待援。
People know the dangers of fires. It's good for us to know how to protect us from fire.
Firstly, get a smoke alarm in the house. It can make a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house immediately in case of emergency.
Secondly, have an escaping plan. Make sure we all know where is the safety exit of your house. In case of fire emergency, everyone should follow the right way to escape.
Last but not least, it is necessary for every family to buy a fire extinguisher, better safe than sorry. And also make sure that every family member know how to use it.
When we think of fires, we think of it being very scary, perhaps even a disaster. Fires can become disasters, and they are indeed quite scary. But if one knows what to do when there really is a fire in a house or outside, it does not seem as dangerous. Campfires, if not carefully put out, can incite a raging forest fire, which is life-threatening to humans, animals, and plants alike. Smothering or using water is a great way to put out a regular fire. Of course, if you have a fire hydrant nearby, that is even more effective. If by accident some fire sparks fall upon your clothes, you should "stop, drop, and roll". Though we might hear it often and not think much of this saying, it is actually the most effective way to get rid of the fire. Many people will think regular fires are catastrophes, but grease fires that start in kitchens are equally if not more dangerous. The main reason grease fires can turn out worse than normal fires is because many people do not know the proper way to put out a grease fire. Since grease is oil, a liquid, water,also a liquid,CANNOT be used to put out this kind of fire. Doing that will only make the situation harder to clean up. Using the lid of a cooking pot to smother it, or using a fire hydrant are both great ways to put out grease fires.
When cooking, one needs to know how to prevent creating a fire. That is easily accomplished by abiding by a few simple rules. Never put any flammable material by the stove, for it is liable to catch fire at all times. Do not wear baggy clothes when cooking, because doing that cause your clothes to catch on fire.Remembering these few tips can make your life a lot easier!
People know the dangers(帮你改了下) of fires. It's good for us to know how to protect us from fire.
Firstly, get a smoke alarm in the house. It can make a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house immediately in case of emergency.
Secondly, have an escaping plan. Make sure we all know where is the safety exit of your house. In case of fire emergency, everyone should follow the right way to escape.
Last but not least, it is necessary for every family to buy a fire extinguisher, better safe than sorry. And also make sure that every family member know how to use it.
As everyone knows, fire is harsh. But, in the pitiless fire before, if can effectively preventing, can escape HuoMo violations, get rid of disaster and pain.
In the family before the fire, some people take away the precious life, Some people HuangBuZeLu and jump off dead or permanent disability. So, how to do in the next HuoMo pursued leisurely effective escape? The author thinks that might as well at home to prepare such 4 piece "treasures" : a fire extinguisher, a root with household (insurance) rope, a flashlight and a simple smoke mask, used to prevent in case and emergency need.
Any fire, when beginning is all small fire in the home, if prepare a fire extinguisher, and ability to operate it, so when a spark ?
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