Today's society standards for judging whether a talent is not only limited to their professional knowledge and, more importantly, also their moral standards and personal qualities. In institutions of higher learning, the training and shaping the moral standards of university students is the invisible, intangible but virtually to have an important impact on students of the campus culture. Campus culture is the social part of the mainstream culture, in building a harmonious society of today, through the construction of a free and democratic, healthy and lively campus culture, with the small environment to influence the socio-cultural environment, which advanced the development of social culture,
To promote the goal of a harmonious society has a very important role.
The building of a harmonious campus to be set up to establish a harmonious relationship between the students. Concerned about the difficulty of helping students to help them feel warm and harmonious campus. To maintain a good attitude, treat people with tolerance and with a sincere heart in good faith to change another's heart. Between the students get along well, so as to create harmonious relations.。
你好,最近的一次雅思写作考试的题目是: 12月15日雅思写作题目: Task1: 线图(图有点不准确,第二条线和第三条线有两个交点) Petrol, coal and natural gas between 1981 and 2000 Task2:How do you think people do not visit museums in their local areas?What are the importance of museums to society? We live in cities or towns which have museums displaying historical and cultural importance, but people do not visit them. 12月15日雅思写作大作文解析: 不去本地博物馆的原因: 1.已经非常熟悉当地历史文化 2.不了解博物馆的意义轻视历史文化 3.工作忙碌没时间4.地方政府缺乏对博物馆文化的重视与宣传。
博物馆的意义: 1文物古迹的收集与保护 2.考古科研价值 3.教育功能,拉近与历史文明的距离 4.精神文化符号象征更多雅思写作考试回忆:。
One day, I see such a scene in the street: a mother is riding a bike with a young daughter. Child accidentally, in the hands of biscuits out on the ground. Mother immediately stopped, whispered to her daughter said, \"come, let's put the biscuits and thrown into the trash, please?\" Said he carried the baby to get off, they bent down to pick up the ground crumbled cookies.
This is civilization. Civilization etiquette is the foundation of our study and life, is our healthy growth on the shoulder. No civilization, there is no basic moral bottom line, that if we have the advanced scientific and cultural knowledge, for people to have what use to the society? Thousand Wan Xuexue do reality, say is learning should learn to be a person,
Learn to do social people, do civilized people,
Clean environment, civilized campus, starts from me, start from every little thing, let the flower of civilization etiquette on campus in full bloom everywhere.
We do the students from there? Let's save every drop of water, make I save every once electricity, maybe you lift a finger, will bring a beautiful earth, will give people a little warm, let not far from us, civilization to civilization accompanied I was growing up, is with me!
下面仅以我们传统的建筑文化为例,讲点个人看法。 世界上的建筑(这里主要指大型的、属于艺术范畴的公共性建筑),从形式上划分,基本上有两类:。
我一直都认为衡量文章结构只有两个标准:1 能不能把问题讲清楚;2 考场上有没有实战意义,有没有可操作性。所以我认为,四段式的文章更好,因为1 四段式结构更清晰;2 四段折中式比五段折中式好写,更比五段一边倒好写。
因为什么呢? 因为很明显,世界上任何一个命题,正反两方面都写,比只说正方或者只说反方都更容易写250个单词。写一边倒最大的问题就是:40分钟里面凑出250单词以上很难。
比如,在剑桥最新的剑桥5当中,剑桥给出了4套Academic类作文题范文,其中有两篇是作为“ an example of a very good answer 来给出的。一个明确的信息是:这两篇考官写的高分范文都是用的折中式,而且都是写的四段式。
我们再看剑桥5里面两道General Traing类议论文的范文,其中一片范文写了6段,但是考官的评语明确说了这篇文章“ The paragraphing is not always logical ; G类的第二篇范文是五段式,但是如果仔细分析一下,其实最后一段只是说了两句空话,喊了两句口号,在一般的议论性文章里面完全是没有必要写的。所以,剑桥5里面的考官高分范文,充分说明了雅思考试议论文写4段式的合理性。
久久站在大海面前,好象一切都 静止了,云不再飘,心不再动,只是顿时觉得我们是如此渺小.凝视着这无垠的海,我的心也开阔了不少,觉得自己能包容一切.有句伟大的名言:比海洋更广阔的是蓝天;比蓝天更广阔的是人的胸怀.从城市挣脱出来,望着那奔腾的大海,你不由得想张开双臂,迎上去呐喊,扑上去拥抱.这时候,就会觉得胸襟豁然开朗,大有包容整个世界的宽广.
On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Some even turn on the light at two o'clock, and most of them are awake by six o'clock, and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o'clock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is brought in. The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten. Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it. The rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all Christmas holidays comes to an end.。
2.注意一些小的语法错误,例如第二行的the trend in USA, Japan and Sweden is upwards,trend是可数的,upwards最好当副词用,个人觉得做表语并不合适。小的语法错误往往带来很多的失分。
3.时态。The proportion reaches at 15% in USA and 14% in Sweden by 1982.reaches显然应该为reached。看得出来这个图表牵涉到将来时态,你也注意了运用,但是还是遗漏了一些。倒数第二行At 2040, the proportion of population aged 65 and over is quite different from it was in 1940,is应当改用will be,Japan has 改为Japan will have,前面的Sweden enjoys 改为Sweden will enjoy
5.尝试一些替换词,old people可以有很多替换词,你这里old people出现的次数过于多了,稍显累赘。senior citizens,elderly people/individuals什么的
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