Last weekend, our school had a school camping activities, I joined in the activities with my close classmate, who's name is Tom. We arrived the destination at 10:00 A.M., The leader told us, " Now, you can find a place where you want, and put your stuffs on the ground. Then you can look around the view, but you have to come back by 12:00. Does anyone have any question?" Everybody answered, "No question."
Tom and I collected the leaves of maple and spruce, there are many different colors, and are beautiful. We saw the other students were watching the ants that are moving the food, the ants are line up walking like army troop, it's very funny! I saw Linda and Mary were walking in the stream。 They were playing water, and they watered repellency to each other, they had fun!
Everybody gather together at 12:00, we started placing our foods at the center, and sharing and having our lunch together. After eating, we started playing the game of "hiding and seeking" . Suddenly, someone yelled,"Help! Help!" The leader came from the bushes and said, "What's going on?" Linda's skirt was caught by bush's. Everybody were scared by Linda's yelled! After that, we kept playing the game of hiding and seeking. Unfortunately, I was sought by the seeker first, then my turned to be the seeker. That was very interested in to seek everyone, the problem was that I didn't know where were they? I could not seek anyone for 45 minutes. At last, everybody came back from the another mountain. they made fun of me!
it's really a hard nut to crack
firstly people regard World Heritage
Site as the Cultural Heritage,that's mainly tangible,and then the Intangible
Cultural Heritage is promoted by UNESCO as a counterpart to the World Heritage
that focuses mainly on tangible aspects of culture.
so we can say the
Cultural Heritage consists of these two aspects.
for your
I like my school life. We always have a lot of interesting activities, and students can always learn a lot from that. We have drama plays, singing contests, English speech contests, dancing balls and so on. I especially like the English speech contests, we can make a lot of improvements through the process of preparing for that.。
Before I go to school, my mother tells me I should have a good attitude towards study, she says I will like to study and be a good student. I start to understand to what she tells me, now I am a good student, I am the monitor of the class, my teacher is very satisfied with me, she says I am a good student, I am so happy.。
On April 28th, my classmates and I went to the park near my school where we took part in a volunteer labor.
We got there at nine o'clock. After divided into three groups, we began to work.
Each group had their own tasks. Group one planted trees and watered flowers. Group Two picked up litter left by tourists and cleaned the benches. My group wiped all the equipment in Children's Playground. Each of us worked hard.
At about half past eleven, we finished working. Though we were tired,we were happy. It was a meaningful day for us because we had done a good deed.
The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountains in China . It lies in the south of Anhui . Every year thousands of Chinese and foreigners pay a visit there . It's not far from here . It takes you about three hours to get there by bus . You can also go there by train or by plane . While you are climbing the mountain , you can enjoy the sea of clouds , wondrous pines and unique rocks around you . In the early morning when the sun rises , the sky looks very beautiful . It's really a nice place to visit 黄山是一个最名山中国。
My school is big and beautiful(我的学校很大很 美 丽 ) .There are many kinds of after-school activities in my school (我的学校有许多课外活 动).Boys often play sports on the playground(男 孩儿们经常在操场上做运动).Some play basketball (一些打篮球) ,some play football (一些踢足球) ,and more boys will play ping-pong(并且许多男孩将打乒 乓球) .There are many ping-pong desks in our school (在我们学校有许多乒乓球桌) .I like football best(我最喜欢足球),so I often play football with my classmates after school(所以我经常和我的同 学在放学后踢足球).。
辉煌灿烂的中华文化,历史悠久的黄河文明,一道割舍不了的古韵情怀,一份沉甸甸的历史传承,永驻心间。 ——题记 当玛雅文明隐没于未知的空间,当古巴比伦王朝终结于漫漫硝烟,当古罗马斗兽场成为永久的遥想,当古埃及金字塔化身为玄妙的谜团……惟有你,依旧昂首挺胸,屹立于世界东方。
挺过战火,挺过饥荒,你步伐坚定,意志坚韧,你教我怎能不为你倾心——伟大的中华,伟大的传统,伟大的文化! 但如今,对于你,我在喝彩之时了份感伤——熬过了无数的苦难,为何你要在繁縻的花开间独自黯然的凋零呢?为何你要在这和平的年代里缓慢而沉重的迈向终点呢?是为了不成为科技发展的绊脚石,让十三亿中华儿女过上更富裕的日子吗?抑或是,我们这些做儿女的为了追求那份物质的满足而无情的牺牲了你,让你不得不与我们含泪诀别? 不难发现,国画正与我们的生活渐行渐远,毛笔早被鼠标排挤到书架的角落,茶道在中原土地上逐渐失落:它们却在异域文化里日渐兴起,蓬勃发展。原来是我们的淡忘让你“日薄西山,气息奄奄”! 不难了解,一排满载美食的摇船,满足了游人们的舌头,却破坏了满载诗情画意的西湖水澄澈的美丽;如日中天的旅游热,将旅行社的口袋染成了金色,却给丽江古城的宁谧漆上了无法退却的乌黑……原来是我们的过度开发让你“人命危浅,朝不虑夕”! 外来的敌人再强大也不曾将你击倒,你悉心呵护的儿女却轻易的将你伤得体无完肤;你赐予了我们文明后裔的光环,我们却在无知迷茫的脚步里将之粉碎。
伟大的传统文化,请等等怀着无尽歉意的十三亿中华儿女吧!时间换得了科技的发展却唤不回消逝的文明,金钱弥补得了物质的匮乏却丰富不了虚空的精神。你已给我们造就了无可比拟的财富,所以,我们难道不应该放慢追逐科技的脚步,去捡起心灵深处关于你的记忆;我们难道不应该淡却金钱至上的观点,去治愈你那血淋淋的创伤么?现在,我们怀着让你在未来的五千年、五万年乃至五亿年的时间里依然君临天下的决心去弥补我们的过错,这样,你会停止呻吟,重舒眉头,展露笑颜,永远相随在我们的左右吗? 所以,请等等我们吧,不要就这样离我们而去。
Here is an introduction of my school's part time activity.It is my honor to show you .and today I would like to tell you something about the part time activities in my school. Our school has various activities outside class.the activities begin at 4;20 and end at 5'20 everyday.the groups on different subjects including go out visit, sightseeing, speech contests, art festival, volunteer activities, sports meeting and so on. Among them, I would like to take part in the sightseeing and art festival the most. Because the activities are wonderful. So I really hope that we can have less homework so we can have more time to participate in the part time activities to have a relax . hope you join us and enjoy every moment in my school !。
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