(一) 一诗行不一定是一个完整的句字。
前者叫end-stopped line(结句行),后者叫run-on line.(跨行句)。这是英文诗与中国诗的最大区别之一。
中国诗歌都是一行表达一个完整的意思。看下面一节诗:I shot an arrow into the air,It fell to earth, I knew not where;For, so swiftly it flew, the sight Could not follow it in its flight.前两行是end-stopped line,后两行是run-on line。
(二) 诗行的长短以音步数目计算:英文诗行的长度范围一般是一音步——五音步。六、七、八音步的诗行也有,但不多。
最多的是四音步、五音步的诗。(各种长短诗行的专门术语:一音步诗:monometer 二音步诗:dimeter三音步诗:trimeter四音步诗:tetrameter 五音步诗:pentameter 六音步诗:hexameter 七音步诗:heptameter八音步诗:octameter.)在分析一首诗的格律时,既要考律此诗的基本音步类型,也要考律此诗中诗行的音步数目。
看下面的一首短诗:An EMPTY HOUSEAlexander PopeYou beat│your pate, │and fan│cy wit │will come:Knock as│you please, │there's no│body│at home.(你拍拍脑袋,以为灵感马上就来。可任你怎么敲打,也无人把门打开。
pate,脑袋。 fancy,动词:以为,想象。)
此诗的基本音步类型是抑扬格,每行五音步。因此称此诗的格律是“抑扬格五音步”(iambic pentameter)。
一首诗的音步类型和诗行所含的音步数目构成此诗的格律(meter)。四 压韵(rhyme)英文诗一般都押运韵。
(一) 全韵与半韵(full rhyme and half rhyme)。全韵是严格的押韵,其要求是:(1) 韵要押在重读音节上,其元音应相同;(2) 元音前的辅音应不同;(3) 如果元音之后有辅音,应相同。
(4) 重读音节之后如有轻读音节,也应相同。下面几对词都符合全韵的标准:why---sigh; hate---late; fight---delight; powers---flowers; today---away; ending---bending.如果仅是元音字母相同,读音不同,不符合全韵:如:blood----hood; there---here; gone---alone; daughter----laughter.这种情形被称为“眼韵”(eye rhyme),虽然诗人有时用之,但不是真正的押韵。
仅是辅音相同或仅是元音相同的属半韵:元音不同,其前后的辅音相同,这叫谐辅韵(consonance)如:black, block; creak, croak; reader, rider; despise, dispose.元音相同,其后的辅音相同者叫谐元韵(assonance),如lake, fate; time, mind.(二) 尾韵与行内韵(end rhyme and internal rhyme)押在诗行最后一个重读音节上,叫尾韵。这是英文诗歌最常见的押韵部位。
诗行中间停顿处的重读音节与该行最后一个重读音节押韵者,叫行内韵。如:Spring, the sweet spring, is the year's pleasant king;Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring,(三) 男韵与女韵((masculine rhyme and feminine rhyme)所押的韵音局限于诗行中重读的末尾音节上,称男韵,也叫单韵,听起来强劲有力。
如:late, fate; hill, fill; enjoy, destroy.押韵押在两个音节上,后一音节非重读音节,称女韵,也叫双韵,听起来或轻快,或幽婉。如:lighting, fighting; motion, ocean; wining, beginning.看下面一节诗:I am coming, little maiden,With the pleasant sunshine laden;With the honey for the bee,With the blossom for the tree.前两行押女韵,后两行押男韵。
也有不少英文诗是不押韵的,不押韵的诗称无韵诗或白体诗(blank verse)。多用在戏剧和叙事诗中。
莎士比亚的戏剧和弥尔顿的Paradise Lost 都是用blank verse写成的。 押韵的诗叫rhymed verse。
自由诗节奏不固定,如同白话。诗选及讲解A SELECTION OF ENGLISH POETRY FOR AN OPTIONAL COURSE OF THE Shakespeare(1564—1616)作者简介:剧作家、诗人。
一生创作三十七部戏剧,154首十四行诗。其十四行诗大部分是献给一位贵族青年,有二十余篇则是献给一位“黑肤女士”(the dark lady).1 Sonnet 18 Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summer's lease hath all too short a date:Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold complexion dimmed;And every fair from fair sometimes declines,By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimm'd;But thy eternal summer shall not fade,Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st.So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.注释:Compare ···to。
never a dull moment永远不会有呆滞的时刻
lf you like to keep lively 如果你想要保持活力
lf you hate being to bored 如果你讨厌无聊
just come down to our house 就来我们的家吧
and konck on the door . 叩响我们的门
lt's the noisiest house 这是全镇中最喧杂的家
in the whole of town
there are doors always slamming 那些门总是砰然关上
and tings falling down. 伴随着叮当的坠响
there 's my dad ,who keeps shouting 这里有我怒喊的爸爸
and my mum ,who breaks tings 这里有我乱摔东西的妈妈
the baby (who's bite you!) 还有一个小婴儿,它会咬你
and our dog running rings. 我们的狗也会带着铃铛跑来追你
there's my sister the screamer 这里有我妹妹的尖叫
and my brother who roars 这里有我哥哥的怒号
and a grandpa who's stone deaf 还有我的聋子爷爷
(he's the one who slams doors).他会砰的一下子关上大门
so come down to our house, 来我们家做客吧
you don't need the address, 你不需要地址
you'll hear it ten miles away, 你在十公里外就可以听到它
and the outside's a mess.听到它外面众多的噪杂
you won't mind the racket,你不会介意它的喧闹
you'll just love the din- 你会爱上它的噪杂
for there never a dull momene 因为这永远不会有呆滞的时刻
in the house we live in!在我们所居住的房子里
Tony bradman 高贵的bradman
殖民地由橄榄枝高级女子中学 借来的图像 有决心,我们的皮肤苍白 闷响我们的笑声 降低了我们的声音 让我们的折边 dekinked我们的头发 否认在体育馆长袍和灯笼裤我们的性 驾驭我们的声音,牧歌 和文雅的架子 负一轭我们的头脑,在拉美declensions 与莎士比亚的语言 告诉我们,没有什么自己 有关于我们什么都没有 如何将这些苍白和北部的眼睛 我们贵族细语一次擦除 如何我们的响度,我们的笑声 贬低我们。
什么都没有留下对自己 关于我们什么都没有。 (研究:历史的古老与现代 英国国王和王后 俄罗斯草原 威特菲尔兹加拿大 有关方面对我们的景观什么都没有 在所有对我们一无所知 加维转身两次在他的坟墓。
他们在谈论的种族隔离 在阿肯色州的小石城,卢蒙巴 和刚果。对我们来说,马博,珍宝。
我们曾看过Vachel Lindsay的 视觉的丛林。 对自己没有什么感觉 有关于我们什么都没有 几个月,几年,童年的记忆 拉丁declensions (对于我们的语言 - '不好说' - 拘留) 我们什么都没有发现有关 在所有对我们一无所知 所以,朋友,我的童年 有一天,我们将讨论 如何打破镜子 谁吻了我们清醒 让谁从他的袋子Anansi。
对于是不是有什么奇怪的 北部的眼睛 在光明的世界现在摆在我们面前苍白?。
Illustrated Books And Newspapers 带插图的书籍和报纸 By William Wordsworth 威廉-华兹华斯 Discourse was deemed Man's noblest attribute, 谈话被认为是人类最高贵的特质 And written words the glory of his hand; 书面语被看作是手的荣耀 Then followed Printing with enlarged command 印刷术之后需求量加大 For thought -- dominion vast and absolute 因为要让思想具有绝对的支配地位 For spreading truth, and making love expand。
因为真理需要传播,挚爱需要弘扬 Now prose and verse sunk into disrepute 现在散文和诗歌名声扫地 Must lackey a dumb Art that best can suit 必须去奉承一种愚笨而实用的艺术 The taste of this once-intellectual Land。 这种品味本来应该是智慧的乐土。
A backward movement surely have we here, 我们是在倒退 From manhood, -- back to childhood; for the age -- 年龄上,从成年倒回到童年 Back towards caverned life's first rude career。 倒回到洞穴生活的初始蒙昧 Avaunt this vile abuse of pictured page! 滚开吧,这种卑鄙插画的滥用 Must eyes be all in all, the tongue and ear 非得把眼睛看得头等重要,而舌头和耳朵则什么都不算? Nothing? Heaven keep us from a lower stage! 可上天已经使我们脱离了低级的阶段呀! 水平有限只能大致直译如此。
不到之处,诚请指正! 明月歌水。
As our expectation, September is all coming back to me now世界因此灿烂。The whole world is splendid because of that我们歌唱九月,We sing for September因为这是您永恒的节日。
It is because that is your eternal holiday我们牢记九月,We will keep September in mind因为这是我们真诚的表白。It is because this is our sincere confession九月是只情满四溢的杯子,September is a glass which full of our emotion我们用双手高高地举起 Both our hands are raising very high一片真诚的祝福声中,Among the sound of sincere blessing请您干杯。
Please cheers九月的乐章已经奏响,The movement of September is already intonieren请接受我们九月的献礼吧,Please receive our presents in September所有拼搏在教育战线的老师。This is for all the teachers which is working for the education教师礼赞 The song for teachers多少年季节轮回,多少个春夏秋冬,How many years coming again and again, how many seasons past can come你是红烛燃烧着亮丽的生命,You are the candle which is buring your beautiful life奉献几多血和汗,不求青史留英名,Devoting a lot blood and sweat, do not expect to have a niche in history你用真情传播着智慧的火种。
You use your truth to spread the kinding of wisdom就象那春蚕献出一生的忠诚,Just like the spring silkworms devoting the loyal of life就象那冬梅吟唱着早春的歌声。Just like the wintersweet singing the song for the prevernal多少个不眼之夜,多少次灯光长明,How many white nights , how many times the lights are on for whole night你在漫漫的长夜里有伏案的身影,You silhouette beside the desk during the long night青丝之间添华发,三尺讲台荡笑声,There are some grey hair among your hair, but we still can hear the laugh on the platform你用友爱缩短着心与心的路程。
You use your love curtail the distence between the hearts你是那阳光融化冷漠的冰雪,You just like the sun melt the snow你是那向导引人走出科学的迷宫。You are the guide to guide us get out of the maze of science啊!光荣的教师,辛勤的园丁! OH, glorious teachers, arduous gradener桃李芬芳是你的欢乐,默默奉献无私的心灵。
Your students become successful is all your happy, you have a selfless service heart啊!光荣的教师,辛勤的园丁! OH, glorious teachers, arduous gradener桃李芬芳是你的欢乐,默默奉献无私的心灵。Your students become successful is all your happy, you have a selfless service heart。
Dreams 梦想
Langston Hughes 休斯
Hold fast to dreams 紧紧抓住梦想,
For if dreams die 梦想若是消亡
Life is a broken-winged bird 生命就象折翅的鸟儿
That can never fly. 再也不能飞翔
Hold fast to dreams 紧紧抓住梦想,
For when dreams go 梦想若是消逝
Life is a barren field 生命就象贫瘠的荒野,
Frozen with snow 雪覆冰封
你曾追逐过蝴蝶散漫的飞行轨迹,凝视阳光慢慢消散在无尽的黑夜。 放慢脚步吧,不要手舞足蹈人生苦短,这些趣事亦不长久问声“你好”,能有欣然回访?白昼不再时,可否夜寐在床?千丝万缕琐事频频在头脑中膨胀放慢脚步吧,不要手舞足蹈人生苦短,这些趣事亦不长久搪塞孩儿,等明天吧,盼后天能起个大早急冲冲的你却看不到他的失望闭门而做,可否失了朋友难道总是无暇致上小小问候?放慢脚步吧,不要手舞足蹈人生苦短,这些趣事亦不长久疾飞快跑,匆匆而终却对中途风景从不在乎焦急彷徨了每一个日子好像未开封的礼物,却被丢弃生活不是赛跑,放慢脚步倾听这美好的音乐,但愿这歌曲不会结束的太早。
there is a word:”Learning is endless!”so the knowledge is the sea while I am only a boat,floating day after day.It nearly runs aground.So I want to say:” Learning is endless!You'd better stop it.”But I have been used to it for ten years.When looking back, I didn't find the mainland but the blue seawater connected with the blue sky.The thing over the sea is still the sea.I didn't expect the mainland.I just pray for a small island where I can have a break, eat the delicious food of the mainland,sleep on the bed of the mainland.I wish my feet be stable and my breath smooth.Maybe my boat was too small to run aground.Every passing by the mainland planted the seed of regret.The wind flowed over the canvas on the mast.The rain poured on the deck beneath my feet.The sun shining over my head.I was still sailing! The fishers' song flied on the sea,sounds real or sham,slack or boring.The boat after nothing is floating on the surface of knowledge,sailing!sailing!sailing! It is filled with sham and truth,sailing about the coast of the sea.
葬花吟 乡愁我不是给你了吗葬花吟Flowers fade and fly, and flying fill the sky; Their bloom departs, their perfume gone, yet who stands pitying by? And wandering threads of gossamer on the summer-house are seen, And falling catkins lightly dew-steeped strike the embroidered screen。
A girl within the inner rooms, I mourn that spring is done, A veil of sorrow binds my heart, and solace there is none。 I pass into the garden, and I turn to use my hoe, Treading over fallen glories as I lightly come and go。
There are willow-sprays and flowers of elm, and these have scent enough。 I care not if the peach and plum, are stripped from every bough。
The peach-tree and the plum-tree too next year may bloom again, But next year, in the inner rooms, tell me, shall I remain? By the third moon new fragrant nests shall see the light of day, New swallows fly among the beams, each on its thoughtless way。 Next year once more they'll seek their food among the painted flowers, But I may go, and beams may go, and with them swallow bowers。
Three hundred days and sixty make a year, and therein lurk Daggers of wind and swords of frost to do their cruel work。 How long will last the fair fresh flower which bright and brighter glows? One morning its petals float away, but to where no-one knows。
Gay bloooming buds attract the eye, faded they're lost to sight; Oh, let me sadly bury them beside these steps tonight。 Alone, unseen, I seize my hoe, with many a bitter tear; They fall upon the naked stem and stains of blood appear。
The night-jar now has ceased to mourn, the dawn comes on apace, I seize my hoe and close the gates, leaving the burying-place; But not until sunbeams dot the wall does slumber soothe my care, The cold rain pattering on the pane as I lie shivering there。 You wonder that with flowing tears my youthful cheek is wet; They partly rise from angry thoughts, and partly from regret。
Regret that spring comes suddenly; and anger that it cannot last。 No sound to announce its approach, or warn us when it's passed。
Last night within the garden sad songs were faintly heard, Sung, as I knew, by spirits, spirits of flower and bird。 We cannot keep them here with us, these much-loved birds and flowers, They sing but for a season's space, and bloom a few short hours。
If only I on a feathered wing might soar aloft and fly, With flower spirits I would seek the rooms within the sky。 But high in the air What grave is there? No, give me an embroidered bag within to lay their charms, And Mother Earth, pure Mother Earth, shall hide them in her arms。
Thus those sweet forms which spotless came shall spotless go again, Nor pass dirty with mud and filth along some filthy drain。 Farewell, dear flowes, forever now, thus buried as was best, I have not yet divined when I with you shall sink to rest。
I who can bury flowers like this a laughing-stock shall be; I cannot say in days to come what hands shall bury me。 See how when spring begins to fail each opening flower fades; So too there is a time of age and death for beautiful maids; And when the fleeting spring is gone, and days of beauty over, Flowers fall, and lovely maidens die, and both are known no more。
乡愁The hometown song is a pure distant fluteAlways in has moon's evening to resoundThe hometown appearance is actually one kind of fuzzy listlessnessIn the fog waves the hand as if leaves departAfter leavingThe nostalgia is one does not have the annual ring treeNever dies of old age。
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