亲爱的游客朋友们,大家好,欢迎来到美丽的桂林。我是你们本次旅途的导游,我会尽力为大家安排好行程,预祝大家旅途愉快。 说起桂林,大家都知道“桂林山水甲天下”。桂林的山青、水秀、洞奇、石美会让您流连忘返,终生难忘;桂林不仅是中国著名的风景旅游城市和山水历史文化名城,而且有着深厚的文化积淀,说到它的名字,大家想知道它是如何人得名的吗?让我来告诉大家吧。桂林因“桂树成林”而得名,历史可追溯到公元前214年秦始皇统一岭南后设立的“桂林郡”,是一座具有2000多年历史的文化名城,古文化遗址丰富。秦代建筑灵渠,是中国古代三大著名水利工程之一,与古运河、都江堰齐名;明代的靖江王城的王陵是目前中国规模最大、保存最完好的王城和陵墓。此外,还有被誉为“中国四大孔庙之一”的恭城文庙;有历史悠久的全州湘山寺;有历代摩崖石刻3000多件,其中“桂海碑林”、“西山摩崖石刻”最为著名。在漫长的岁月里,桂林的奇山秀水吸引着无数的文人墨客,使他们写下了许多脍炙人口的诗篇和文章,刻下了两千余件石刻和壁书,这些独特的人文景观,使桂林得到了“游山如读史,看山如观画”的赞美。
朔,平乐,梧州,汇入西江,注入南海,属珠江水系,全长426公里。 从桂林到阳朔的83公里,是漓江的精华,因而有“百里漓江,百里画廊”之称。这一地段是岩溶地貌发育最典型的地区,集山青,水秀,洞奇,石美于一体,这里的山光水色交相辉映,我们随着行船缓缓观景,就好象在我们游船的两岸徐徐打开了山水画的长轴,沿途景致,美不胜收。你们看,黄牛峡到了,请看船的正前方,一座傲然屹立的大山挡住了江水的去路,柔和的江水也就顺应山势成折向流去,连绵数里的江峡使我们刚才见到的一直平缓的水流和开阔讲岸变成了急揣的江水和险峻的高峡,就是这种起伏,这种波折,才形成了漓江风光的变化多姿和情趣无穷。这段江峡在明代旅行家徐霞客笔下也有过记载,这位足迹遍布大江南北的旅行家写到,如果拿号称长江天险的
赤壁和彩叽来与这段江峡相比,则赤壁彩矶也“顿失其壮丽矣”。 各位游客,我们刚看完壮丽的一景,现在又迎来了秀美的一幕。请看这岸边,由窄到宽,豁然开朗,连天光也格外明亮了,这里就是漓江彩塑。你们看,悬壁上,色彩班驳,就象一幅幅的画卷,那浓墨重彩的,是油画,那清淡润透的,是水粉画,那黑白单彩的,是水墨画,画面的内容,任你想象,观赏这类彩崖画,是“不想不象,越想越象”。
就形成了颜色各异的崖壁彩绘。大自然的神奇在这里可见一斑了。 各位游客,漓江悬崖彩画的代表作,就是我们面前这画山,因为画山有九匹骏马的形状得名,人称九马画山。画山高416米,山体遍布色彩,有些是刚才介绍的,石钟乳含有碳酸氢钙的水溶液作用而变色,而有些则是附在石上的低等生物死亡后钙化后引起的色变,于是色彩变得绚丽多彩。请各位仔细看这画山,能看得出几匹马?哦,这位朋友看出了九匹!要在古时,您可是当状元的人才啊! 看完漓江上最著名的画山,等会我们将会欣赏到漓江最美的一景----黄布倒影。 各位游客,前面就是黄布滩了,它叫黄布滩,是因为水底有一大块石块象铺就的黄布。在晴空水静时,倒影鲜明,在烟雨朦胧时,倒影又宛如淡雅的水墨画。今天,我们在艳阳高照晴方好的日子里,黄布倒影更显鲜明。这番景致,正应了清代袁枚的诗句:”分明看见青山顶,船在青山顶上行”。你们看,我们的游船不正是在倒影在水中的青山顶上行进吗?下面请各位看前方,看到那江岸边掩映在绿树从中的房舍了吗?那就是兴坪镇了。 各位游客,岸上的小镇就是兴坪镇。这座古镇是三国时古熙平县的县治,已有1740年的历史。这里是漓江风光荟萃之地,漓江美景“绿水,青山,翠竹,
倒影”在这里得到了充分的展示。难怪人称“果然佳境在兴坪”。兴坪不仅风光好,历史文化也有很多精彩之处。就拿我们眼前这龙门渔村来说吧,这叫赵氏渔村,已有400多年历史了,村中建筑古香古色。你别小看这小小的渔村,历史上出过4位县令,3位进士,在近代还出现过博士,县长,市长呢,还接待过不少重要的宾客。1921年孙中山先生赴桂林督师北伐,路经兴坪村,就到这渔村来视察过地形。1998年,美国总统克林顿来游漓江,竟然百里挑一选中这座渔村,停船上岸到农家做了客呢。 各位游客,我们今天的漓江游就到此结束了。游览完漓江,你一定会被它的神韵所感染,尤其是那山,那水,那树,那水中的倒影,那江畔的渔村。。。。。。在此,我代表我们漓江的儿女,欢迎各位有机会再来,再见,朋友们!
从桂林到阳朔,160里漓江水路,满眼画山绣水,这是大自然的千古杰作。漓江的碧绿碧绿的,沿江攒聚着怪石奇峰,峰峰都是瘦骨嶙嶙的,却又千奇百怪,姿态万千。在薄霭轻雾中,若隐若现,时远时近,请看漓江两岸,竹子的色调使两岸春光常在,而它那风度翩翩的倩影,又使漓江在人们心中倍增亲切。 3亿多年前,这里还是一片汪洋大海,海底沉积了巨厚的石灰石岩层。后来地壳上升为陆地,石灰岩经过水的溶蚀和风化作用,形成了挺拔秀丽的峰林和曲折幽深的岩洞。人们说,桂林的美可以概括为八个字:山青、水秀、石美、洞奇。
先说这山吧。什么象鼻子、磨米山,斗鸡山、螺狮山数不胜数!位于市内的独秀峰,有"南天一柱"之称。清代诗人袁枚写过一首诗赞美她:"来龙去脉绝无有,突然一峰插南斗。"请看这里,这是另一处景物,名叫叠彩山。这里的岩石层层横断,远远望去,好像是一匹匹堆叠起来的彩缎,因此而得名。 桂林的山还多奇石,著名的有月牙山的剑柄石象鼻山的垂钓石,伏波山的试剑石桂林的洞更是一绝。下面我请大家跟我一块儿上岸去欣赏欣赏神秘的七星岩。
Guilin landscape botanical garden
Guilin landscape botanical garden is located in the southwest of downtown, in the original production of Montenegro of virescence seedling nursery based on construction. Montenegro nursery was founded in 1938, is the guilin first garden nursery. In 1993 changed to guilin botanical garden in Montenegro. Guilin in October 2005, the government in order to optimize the ascension of the old city, old city reconstruction, initiated the ecological construction in Montenegro, invested more than 6000 ten thousand yuan, in July 2008, completed the first phase of construction and open to the public free of charge, and the formal name for guilin botanical garden landscape.
Guilin landscape botanical garden is a collection of scientific research, popular science, sightseeing, leisure in one comprehensive park, covers an area of 47.9 hectares, to guilin urban land currently the largest park. It was opened, to further improve the guilin city park layout, enrich the urban ecological environment, optimize the urban landscape, provides citizens with a flying mood, pleasure beautiful comfortable green environment, at the same time close the positive interaction of public gardens and service economy.
Guilin landscape botanical garden trees towering, vegetation is rich, sort is various, tall trees with guilin native tree species as skeleton, to for the bright spot of colored tree species and rare plants, according to the principle of "protection first, after development", on the basis of effective to keep the original vegetation, introduced the cultivation of all kinds of plant species, 1000 kinds of varieties of more than 2600.
Rare botanical garden, sweet osmanthus garden expo park, banyan tree, palm garden, tea garden, magnolia, YinXingYuan, European garden, cafe DE jack, garden, bonsai garden, flower hall, baihua stage, such as park, has a plant diversity to collect, display, protection, utilization of resources, education, recreation, and other functions, become a unique scenery line, city is a miniature of the society, the harmonious development of man and nature.
Butterfly spring moon mountain scenic area
Butterfly spring moon mountain scenic area is located in yangshuo gallery "miles" the essence of the tourist area, yangshuo only original suspension bridge, mountain music flowing water falls, can have a bird's eye view of yangshuo "shangri-la" in the essence and claw mountain pastoral scenery the best viewing platform, the bee garden, butterfly garden, currently China's largest living butterfly ornamental garden) etc, and "ballet" on the wall, rock climbing, the experience of "concentration", glide, downhill, such as the most fashionable outdoor sports, let you get hustle earth, closest to feel the nature, challenge the limit, beyond the self.
To rock climbing, yangshuo, butterfly spring edge better rock climbing. Yangshuo butterfly spring is located in guilin, yangshuo "li gallery" the essence of tourism area, this peculiar karst landforms, high cliffs, clean and strong, as if god specially designed for climbers. On November 4, 2001 butterfly spring opening and the second session of national PanYanJie classic scene.
Friends, to yangshuo butterfly spring, pastoral scenery of guilin will panoramic view, and a "close to nature, challenge the limit, beyond the self" outdoor sports, rock climbing, will meet your the demand of the return to nature, love nature, challenge ourselves.
Gather longtan scenic spot
In yangshuo has a only doubles the karst caves in the land and sea sightseeing, gather longtan. The place that has the undiscovered talent points black rock and water two big cave. In recent km swim, about a quarter of the journey can take a boat tour. Water down the road and is equipped with safety protection plank road connected. Land and water, all can let tourists choose for themselves. The entire available about 60 minutes. Rock within many stalactites, such as the wolong, panlong, flying, flying dragon, dragon dance, jinlong, yulong, tsing lung, the yellow dragon, the dragon king, dragon lady, give, Long Sun, numerous, shape lifelike lifelike. Thus formed the hostess dragon, dragon palace jade chopstick, etc. General caves all Clint, rock flowers, stalactite, hole beads, waterfalls, water cave and underground river, here are visible to the scene. Cave bottomless deep pools, no one knows how deep it was. It is said that pool on an undercurrent, pass-through yangshuo crane into a deep pool of lijiang river below. According to legend, in ancient times some exploration, the undercurrent is not deep, high can walk upright, place is only as big hat, to creep in. Walk change scene, the dizzying, there are the peacock, the moon palace osmanthus, galaxy qifeng, the flat peach grand meeting, the imperial concubine, going out of the sea bright moon, mirage, dripping guanyin, which, etc., as if in the crystal dragon palace.
Gather longtan lies between hotel, moon mountain park, consists of two large cave, black rock and water, land and water hardships a kilometer, hole dome in the top 25 meters, 30 meters at its widest point. Many stalactites is like a dragon, wolong, panlong, flying, flying dragon, dragon, dragon, jade dragon, tsing lung, the yellow dragon, the dragon king, dragon lady, give, Long Sun, numerous, vivid, lifelike. Sightseeing on foot into the hole first, and then a boat to a suitable underground river by the hole to come out, after fall of on any account tens of metres up and down. Cave bottomless deep pools. Is said to be a bottomless pool of above have an undercurrent, a deep pool through yangshuo crane mountain into the li river. According to legend, ancient has been to explore, the undercurrent is not deep, high can walk upright, lower only as big hat, need to crawl into. Gathered in the longtan scenic spot, up to 48. Such as dragon hostess, the peacock, the moon palace osmanthus, galaxy qifeng, the flat peach grand meeting, dragon palace jade chopstick, the imperial concubine, shilin wonders, going out of the sea bright moon, mirage, dripping guanyin, which makes a person as if in dragon palace. It's about a km, visit time about an hour. Longtan is the only hole in yangshuo the amphibious two place, also is the most "undiscovered talent".
Gather longtan scenic spot is the guilin mountain travel service co., LTD to protective development of gather longtan scenic spot, gather longtan natural landscape, cultural landscape height as conception, gather longtan don't from other caves features designed, gather longtan more show its unique charm. One of the most distinctive scenic spot for guilin landscape. Relying on the surrounding landscape, scenic spot, in accordance with the local ethnic style buildings, pavilions, beginning, floor and cabinet, surrounded by green trees around it, more special skill is matched by a mysterious underground river in guangxi's most distinctive liu song performance, singing the whole run, applause and laughter. Gather longtan in yangshuo, GuiLi highway 6 kilometers south of the city between ChuanYan hotel, moon mountain famous scenic spots. Is composed of black rock, water, and land and water of the victory of the season.
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