摘 要
摘 要:毕业实习是大学一次重要的实践性教学环节。通过毕业实习不仅可可以使我们在时间过程中接触与专业相关的实际工作,了解未来就业工作环境;还能增强我们的感性认识培养和锻炼我们综合运用所学的基础理论、基本技能和专业知识。通过实习把理论和实际结合起来,是我们的专业综合能力。本次实习分别通过威远县电业局和国家电力金堂发电厂的实习学习到了更多书本上没有的东西,为以后的就业打下了坚实的基础。
Social practice is use our practical action to verify the truth. The first practice made me know the stories about some successful people and the conditions for success. These forces promoted the development and progress of the society. The ones I interviewed told me, social progress needs action, and one’s progress also need action, action is the most directly reflect personal value standard. It’s” Practice is the only reliable test of a theory” .Practice makes us use our knowledge in our daily life, learn how to will combining theory with practice, and go outside the school gate, goes down to the basic unit, the masses and practical, so that we can be successful ,and we can face to the social competition, and we can deal with the problems we will meet., to establish a correct world outlook and values, make better contribution for the country, society and people. The practice actually is a direct inspection to our social reality. I understand the knowledge we learned more clearly. During the practice, I go thorough the working period, consolidate major technology, study during the practice, and practice during the study , strength the ability of application, to hence the ability of enter the society, and order the foundation for our going into the complex society.
From work to produce, every social practice is a personal growth opportunities, grasp every opportunity for us, and not just to the practice of knowledge, the investment in our future. This is the social practice for our future took the first step into the society, but also an important step. Is also a deeper know of the society for our university students who are not well enter the society, also a self-experience for our major.
摘 要
摘 要:本次实习是在四川英杰电气股份有限公司和中国第二重型机械集团公司。生产实习报告主要论述了本次实习的目的和意义,陈诉了实习的时间地点以及实习安排,阐述了理论的培训、二重金工分厂、二重理化检测机构、二重锻造分厂、英杰生产线等的具体实习要求。主要介绍了英杰电气多晶硅还原炉电源和全数字化多晶硅高压起动电源,描述了实习产品的功能以及参数指标,最后对这次实习进行了总结并对相关人士表示谢意。
摘 要
摘 要
摘 要:在绵阳长虹培训中心以及长虹生产车间的2周实习学习过程中,我们在专门的培训老师的指导下完成了基本元器件的识别和液晶电视相关原理讲座学习,来到长虹精密仪器和空调公司参观了整套生产流水线,在长虹电视四厂体验了基本工人的作业过程当了一把长虹职工,接下来在培训中心对长虹G2136K彩色电视机进行各面板的基本元器件识别并对各元器件进行了基本参数的静态、动态、待机状态测定,在培训老师指导下进行了长虹液晶电视的显示屏拆装、主要面板器件识别,等离子电视面板器件识别等。
摘 要
摘 要:在绵阳长虹这次毕业实习中,了解到长虹是全球家电及品牌,该企业形成了军用产品、数字电视、数字平面显示、IT、健康空调、数字视听、数字网络、模具、数字器件、环保电源、技术装备、电子工程、化工材料等十三大产业群。实习期间进行了讲座学习彩色电视电路原理图;到公司参加电视机生产实践;学校试验室进行彩色电视机和液晶电视机芯各部分功能分析,让我们受益良多。
Abstract: In mianyang, changhong the graduation practice, understand the changhong and brand is the world's home appliance, the enterprise has formed a military products, digital TV, digital graphic display, IT, health air conditioning, digital audio-visual, digital network, mold, digital devices, environmental protection power supply, technology and equipment, electronic engineering, chemical material and other 13 big industrial clusters.Internship in the lectures to learn color TV circuit principle diagram;To the company to participate in TV production practice;School laboratory for color TV and LCD TV machine parts function analysis, let us benefit a lot from it.
Keywords: Electronic devices, color TV, LCD TV
摘 要
《红楼梦》是1个美的世界:贾宝玉的英俊、飘逸、率性自然,坦荡真诚;林黛玉的美貌聪慧,纯净的水晶样的灵魂——她的思想美、性格美与心灵美;薛宝钗的秀美、宽厚、端庄,理智,会做人,宝、黛、钗三美合一——曹雪芹理想人生梦 - 毕业论文。他们从不同的方面和层次展示了作者理想中完满的人所具备的各种品质:真、善、美。《红楼梦》是1部突显真、善、美的巨著, “3美合1”不是说他们3人是1个人,而是将他们身上的优秀品质互补性地统1起来看,他们本身体现着统1的人性的`3个方面。现实人生,现实世界是污浊、腐朽、丑恶的,而理想人生,理想世界是干净、纯洁、美好的。“梦”的意义不在于它的破灭,而在于它存在而美丽。作者通过宝、黛、钗3个人物形象的塑造展示了他最理想的人格范式、理想人生梦,语文论文《宝、黛、钗三美合一——曹雪芹理想人生梦 - 毕业论文》。
"Hong Lou Meng" is a beautiful world: Jia Baoyu outstandingly talented, elegant, might as well nature, broad and level is sincere; Lin Daiyus beautiful appearance intelligent, the pure crystal type soul her thought America, disposition America and the mind are beautiful; Xue Baochai elegant, generous, is solemn, the reason, meets. They had demonstrated from the different aspect and the level in the author ideal the perfect person has each kind of quality: The true, the good and the beautifuls. "Hong Lou Meng" is reveals the true, the good and the beautifuls suddenly the work, "three beautifully gathers one" is not said their three people are a person, but is complementarity unifies their body on superior quality looked, their itself is manifesting the unification human nature three aspects. The realistic life, the real world is filthy, decayed, ugly, but the ideal life, the ideal world is clean, chastely, happy. "Dream" the significance does not lie in its being disillusioned, but lies in it to exist but is beautiful. The author through the treasure, the black eyebrow coloring, the ornamental hairpin three people image molded has demonstrated he most ideal personality model, the ideal life dream.
Key words:Jia Baoyu; Lin Daiyu; Xue Baochai; the ornamental hairpin three beautifully gather; an ideal life dream
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