Why so serious?
Do you scare this scar?
Do you wanna kown how i get this scar?
Please don't be afraid,
i am just a dog chaseing the bus,
and what should i do if i caught it?
so ,it's not about money,
it's about sending a message
cut up all the falseness whit knife;
bomb out every rules whit dualin;
burning the whole world whit gasoline
I believe what ever doesn't kill you simply makes you。 stranger
我相信,任何杀不死你的东西只会让你感到更奇怪,Hi。Why so serious?Do you scare this scar?Do you wanna kown how i get this scar?Please don't be afraid,i am just a dog chaseing the bus,and what should i do if i caught it?so ,it's not about money,it's about sending a messagecut up all the falseness whit knife;bomb out every rules whit dualin;burning the whole world whit gasoline。
I believe what ever doesn't kill you simply makes you。 stranger。
I'll tell you the story of Cloony the Clown Who worked in a circus that came through town His shoes were too big and his hat was too small But he just wasn't ,just wasn't funny at all 让我给你讲讲小丑克鲁 他跟着马戏团在镇上巡回演出 他的鞋子太大帽子太小 可他就是,就是不会把人逗笑 He had a trombone to play loud silly tunes he had a green dog and a thousand balloons He was floppy and sloppy and skinny and tall But he just wasn't just wasn't funny at all 他有一把声音怪怪的长号 一条绿色的小狗和一千只气球 他懒散邋遢,又瘦又高 可他就是,就是不会把人逗笑 And every time he did a trick Everyone felt a little sick And every time he told a joke Folks sighed as if their hearts were broke And every time he lost a shoe Everyone looked awfully blue And every time he stood on his head Everyone screamed,"Go back to bed!" 每当他耍个把戏 人们都觉得有些烦腻 每当他讲个笑话 人们叹着气就像伤心不已 每当他把鞋子一脱 人们看起来是那么难过 每当他拿大顶立在台上 人们就嚷嚷“回家睡觉去吧!” And every time he made a leap Everybody feit asleep And every time he ate his tie Everyone began to cry And Cloony could not make any money Simply because he was not funny 每当他来个单腿跳 人们就会睡大觉 每当他把领带来咬 人们就会大声嚎叫 克鲁一分钱也挣不到 只因他不能把人们逗笑 One day he said,"I'll tell this town How it feels to be an unfunny clown." “我要告诉镇上的人,”一天他说 “做个不搞笑的小丑有多难过。”
And he told them all why he looked so sad And he told them all why he felt so bad He told of Pain and Rain and Cold He told of Darknessin his soul And after he finished his tale of woe Did everyone cry?Oh no,no,no 他告诉他们为什么他面露悲伤 他告诉他们为什么他心里难受 他讲述了痛苦,暴雨和寒冷 他说他的心被黑暗笼罩 当他讲完这伤心的故事 是不是人们都在痛苦?哦,不,不,不! They laughed until they shook the trees With "Hah-Hah-Hahs" and "Hee-Hee-Hees" They laughed with howls and yowls and shrieks They laughed all day ,they laughed all week They laughed until they had a fit They laughed until their jackets split The laughter spread for miles around To every city ,every town Over mountains ,cross the sea And soon the whole world rang with laughter Lasting till forever after 他们“嘻嘻哈哈”笑得那么舒服 直到他们不得不扶着大树 他们笑着尖叫,笑着咆哮 他们笑上一整天,整整一星期都在笑! 他们笑得连他们自己都吃惊 他们笑得撑坏了外套 笑声传到大城小镇 笑声传到千里之外 笑声跨过大山,越过大海 不久整个世界被欢笑充满 经久不息,直到永远 While Cloony stood in the circus tent With his head drooped low and his shoulders bent And he said "THAT IS NOT WHAT MEANT-- I'M FUNNY JUST BY ACCIDENT ." And while the world laughed outside Cloony the Clown sat down and cried. 克鲁却站在马戏团的帐篷下 头是那么低,肩是那么弯 他说:“我本不想这样--- 我一不小心才把人们逗笑。” 外面的世界都在笑 小丑克鲁却坐在地上号啕。
Clowns are comic performers, stereotypically characterized by their colored wigs, stylistic makeup, outlandish costumes, and unusually large footwear. Clowning, in its most basic form, can be described as one form of drama without a fourth wall, however there are other types of drama that are lacking the element of a fourth wall as well. In other words, a clown acknowledges his audience. The clown's humor today is often visual and includes many elements of physical comedy or slapstick humor.
Clowns spread in cultures of any time and place, because they meet some deeply rooted needs in humanity: violation of taboos, the mockery of sacred and profane authorities and symbols, reversal of language and action, and a ubiquitous obscenity.[1] An interesting example can be found in the Native American clown societies.
小丑是吸引儿童的表演者之一,美国连锁快餐店麦当劳的形象大使——「麦当劳叔叔」,便是以小丑造型出现,十分受小朋友们欢迎,因而吸引了不少儿童光顾。 另外虚拟英雄人物蝙蝠侠里头最著名大反派就是小丑。
clown n.小丑, 粗鲁愚蠢的人,丑角,乡下人;vi扮小丑,行为像小丑,闹笑话,逗趣。 clown 英音:[klaun] 美音:[klaun] clown的中文翻译 名词n. [C] 关于小丑的句子有;给小丑你的手指,他就会要拳头。 Have fun. Be a clown. 好好高兴,像小丑那样。 Arrogance is a kingdom without a crown. 你只不过是个小丑 的英文说法是;You are just a clown. clown 小丑,在句子中做主语
The Joker: Starting tonight。
people will die. I'm a man of my word. 小丑:今晚开始……人们将会死去,我是个说话算数的人The Joker: [to Batman] You've changed things。 forever. There's no going back. See, to them, you're just a freak。
like me! 小丑(对蝙蝠侠说):你已经改变了……永远,不可能再回到过去。看,对于他们来说,你不过是一个怪胎……就像我一样。
小丑:clown或buffoon(a person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior,意为以一些荒谬行为取笑于他人的人) 演员:playactor(戏剧的演员)、performer(演出者;演奏者;表演者) 戏子:actor or actress(旧时对演员的叫法或称呼) 译文: 小丑的表情只能掩藏在面具之下 Clown never display their expressions, which are only concealed under his mask 你只会看到他那永远的大大的笑脸 You will only see his big big smiling face forever 有谁能都了解他的心 And who learns about his heart and his mind? 现实社会里 In this realistic world, 我们都是一个个戴着面具的小丑 All of us are the clowns each with a mask, 活在戏里 谁愿意面对真正的自我 可怜又可恨。
living in the drama Who is willing to face a real ego What a pity and a regret!。
我是个小丑 躲在阴喑的角落舔着独自的伤口 观望着灿烂如花的世外 小心掩饰着丑陋的触角 我是个小丑 在黑夜中酝酿着安慰自已的谎言 却不见鼻子在谎言中伸长 又在悄悄中埋葬着丑陋的知觉 虚幻的网络 在恍惚中体现着真实的感知 我却在虚幻中挥舞着纯情的丑 我丑在我不该有的真爱中 丑在不该有颗跳动的诚心 丑在陪你落泪中 丑在牵挂痴狂中 我是个小丑 却有着美丽的期盼 我是个小丑 却祈祷着幸福跟随着你 我是个小丑 却愿奉献我仅存的美好 我是个小丑 却想着你的关爱 请你读懂我的丑 请你护着我的丑 我愿用我一世的丑 来点缀你呈现的靓丽。
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