Shaoxing Opera, also called Yue Ju (越剧 yuèjù), is one of the Five Operas in China, just second to Peking Opera and has been listed into the first national non-material cultural heritages in 2006. As the most popular local opera in the country, Shaoxing opera originated from Sheng County, Zhengjiang Province from local folk songs in later Qing Dynasty (1636-1911), and prospered in Shanghai City in 1920s.
During May day,I went to Shanghai with my family.We all fell in love with it at the moment we saw it.Shanghai is really a beautiful city!There are many tall buildings and trees!There are also many flowers,it makes Shanghai look like a nice garden!If I have oppotunities to visit Shanghai again,I will be very happy!垍頭條萊
The beautiful Hongze Lake is my hometown. My family lives by the beautiful Hongze Lake.
On the beautiful Hongze Lake, people often fish. Of course, I can't leave.
Beautiful Hongze Lake, my beautiful hometown, I love you forever!
Zhejiang has been a scholar and businessman since ancient times, with all kinds of delicious snacks and many beautiful places
Shaoxing Opera, also called Yue Ju (越剧 yuèjù), is one of the Five Operas in China, just second to Peking Opera and has been listed into the first national non-material cultural heritages in 2006. As the most popular local opera in the country, Shaoxing opera originated from Sheng County, Zhengjiang Province from local folk songs in later Qing Dynasty (1636-1911), and prospered in Shanghai City in 1920s.
Shanghai Food
Shanghai boasts one of China's best and most distinctive cuisines.Influenced by its position just south of the Yangtze and at the mouth of the Huangpu,the region abounds in a selection of freshwater fish and shellfish.Dishes from this area are lightly and delicately seasoned.Shanghai's people have a 'sweet tooth',and more sugar is used in Shanghai than in any other part of China.Shanghai's neighbors also contribute to the diversity of the area's cuisine:Hangzhou,known for its West Lake carp; Zhejiang to the west,for its vinegar; and Shaoxing,for its warmed rice wine.
学校占地面积173.3亩,建筑面积5万2千余平方米。现有5幢教学楼,86个标准教室。其中有计算机教室3个,语音实验室2个,物理、化学、生物实验室9个。建单体图书大楼一幢,藏书13余万册,装备了电子阅览系统。各个教室均装备了多媒体设备。多功能厅,室内灯光球场,游泳池和塑胶跑道标准田径场等文娱体育设施齐全。学校已建成设备先进、性能良好的校园网,实现了资源共享,并为每位任课教师配置了“奔腾IV”笔记本电脑, 教育设施现代化程度在市内领先。
学校继承鲁迅的“立人”思想,以“尊重个性、张扬精神”,“整体优化、重点培养”为办学指导方针,以“抱诚守真”为校训,致力于造就全面发展的优秀人才。近年来, 学生参加全国数、理、化、生、信息学奥赛取得优异成绩,获省三等奖以上423人次,其中全国一等奖7人次,二等奖6人次,先后有8人次夺取浙江省第一名。2000届董世英同学获第十六届全国中学生物理竞赛第三名,出征亚洲首届物理奥赛,捧回银奖。建校以来,获浙江省数、理、化、生竞赛团体优胜奖23次,6人获浙江省“少年英才奖”。九届毕业生高考成绩均列市、县前茅,每年均有一大批学生被全国名牌大学录取,2004届毕业生吴杰行夺取浙江省高考理科“状元”。
上海市鲁迅中学原地处东江湾路 120 号,创办于 1963 年,原校名为“凌云初级中学”。因为当时校址毗邻鲁迅纪念馆、鲁迅墓及鲁迅故居, 遂于 1967 年将校名改为“鲁迅中学”,“文革”后由初级中学变为完全中学, 1996年由东江湾路 120 号迁址于广中路 100 号, 与原长风中学合并,使所在市区享有一定声誉的普通完中。
近四十年来, 尤其是党的十一届三中全会以来, 鲁迅中学历任领导脚踏实地地工作,依靠全校教职工的努力, 逐步形成了“崇实、求新”的校风和“刻苦、扎实、求真、创新”的教风和学风, 学校的各项工作都取得了显著成绩。
学校多次被评为区教育系统先进集体, 区文明单位,区卫生先进集体 ,近几年来,开设家长学校,成立家长委员会,对学生进行爱的系列教育, 则是我校德育工作的特色之一, 多次评为区家庭教育先进集体,党支部也多次评为区先进支部,区教育系统先进支部。
学校从领导到教师十分注重大面积提高教学质量, 教学严谨, 作风踏实,为培养四化事业的合格人才做出了成绩,初中毕业生升学考试合格率从 1986 年起连续多年达到 100%,全部进入各类学校;高考录取率也逐年提高, 1985年为52.6%, 1990年逐年上升为85%, 1999年高考升学率达89.3%,尤其突出的是在2001年高考中达线率达97%,成为上海市普通完中的佼佼者,再社会上享有较高的荣誉。不仅如此,学校还积极培养了一定数量的各学科有突出才能的尖子学生,历年来参加全国、市各学科竞赛的学生有 100 余人次获奖,其中突出的有;1978年全国中学生数学竞赛第一名的李骏 ,1979年化学竞赛第一名的葛羽, 1988年第二十届国际化学奥林区竞选拔赛上海赛区第一名的范育波,1990年第二十三届国际化学奥林匹克选拔赛区一等奖的曹志松, 获得市计算机比赛一等奖的88届学生周晓方, 1985年华东六省市民族杯歌曲大奖赛一等奖的三胞胎姐妹等,1997年市物理竞赛二等奖马晶, 1998年市作文竞赛二等奖吴江阳、王沧桑、王冬璐,1999年市劳技一等奖徐健等。 学校认真探索以培养创新精神为核心的素质高育的方法与途径, 朝着运行机制高效,教育设施先进,师资素质优良和办学效盖一流的目标迈进。
学校占地面积 12500 平方米,校园环境整洁,教学设施完备,拥有容纳 40 个班级的教学大楼和设有理化实验室、语音室和计算机房的辅助楼,有藏书 4 万册的图书馆、百余种期刊的阅览室和设备先进的多功能厅。
学校现有 39 个教学班,1800多名学生和 155 名教职工,其中高级教师 18 人,中级职称教师 95 人,荣获全国和市级荣誉称号的教师 16 人。
The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year,is the most important festival for all of us. All family members get together on New Year'Eve to have a big meal.At the same time, everyone celebrates to each other.At about 12 o'clock,some parents and children light crackers.The whole sky is lighted brightly. We may watch the fireworks excitedly.How busy it is!
On the first early moring of one year, many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang some couplets on the front door. Some house's windows are sticked on red paper cutlings.
The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days. So during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door. At that time, children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents,grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on. The last day of the Chinese New Year is another festival. It names the Lantern Festival.
So the Chinese New Year comes to the end.
I remember that unforgettable trip was in Sanya.I remember the unforgettable trip in Sanya. Because it is very drying our sunscreen. So some people give us umbrellas. Let you sweep away is a handsome guy, let me hop again. Because I feel that they can't help.
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