德国新天鹅堡 ( Schloss Neuschwanstein )
Schwangau南面还有旧天鹅堡。这个新哥特风格的城堡是在1832至1836年间为马克西米利安二世国王修建的。城堡的内部是Fresken和Wilhelm Lindenschmitt根据Moritz von Schwind的创意,并结合古日耳曼神化装饰的。旧天鹅堡目前是属于私人拥有,不像新天鹅堡那样对公众随意开放,因此参观人数是受限的,以家庭团为主。从Schwangau步行约25分钟可到达城堡。
The Yuntai is located the Henan Province Xiuwu County by the northern12 kilometers place, the prominent peak is the fruit of a medicinalcornel peak, the elevation 1,304 meters, because of suddenly, looks like a cauldron, covers above the group peak, is called inthe ancient times covers Pusan and further because to stand tall anderect for its , the forest cover, the ravine common fog windsaround, therefore is called the Yuntai.
Looked from the geographyviewpoint that, Yuntai is belongs to the South Pacific goodmountainous region in the terrain a part, therefore calls the toogood Yuntai.
The Yuntai was the Yubei Mingshan since old times, now has completedthe Yuntai scenic spot, also is the national level forest park and thenational level geology park. Now opens the main scenic area includes:Warm plate valley, fruit of a medicinal cornel peak, old deep poolditch, small stronghold ditch and so on. Good, the friends, we now entered the warm plate valley scenic area,it is because the earth's
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