[梅汝璈] 我想请大家一起考虑这个问题:法律是什么?法律的作用又是什么?经过两年多的817次漫长的庭审,我们终于认定了他们有罪。可是我们,却一直在讨论文明和宗教。先生们,这不是大学的教堂,这也不是寺庙,这里是法律的殿堂。我们需要讨论的,是怎么惩罚这些罪犯。我认为,宗教是告诉世人怎样做才能到达天堂。另一方面,法律明确规定了什么事情我们不能做,否则就要受惩罚,就要上断头台,就要上绞刑架,这就是法律。这也是我一直坚持对战犯们使用死刑的原因,除了掠夺别国的资源,扩张自己的领土,日本还杀害了无数无辜的平民。日本军队,抢劫、xx、放火、杀戮……杀害了无数中国、菲律宾、英国、美国以及其他国家人民的生命。这还不足以被判处死刑吗?如果法律不给日本、不给这些战犯以最严厉的惩罚,谁敢保证日本有一天不会再次挑起战争?谁敢保证日本不会再侵略别的国家?谁敢保证日本军国主义的幽灵不会再次复活?在座哪位先生敢作这样的保证?想说的,该说的,我都说完了。我们可以投票了。为了那些在战争中死难的人,为了让他们瞑目,请各位慎重。因为,他们在看着我们。
[梅汝璈] 远东国际军事法庭终于走到了今天,最后,七名战犯被处以极刑。至今我都不敢回想,如果今天上午,我们这些赞同死刑的法官里不到六票的话,我会怎么样?中国人又会怎么样?世界又会怎么样?还有,我们所有的法官都起过誓,我们永远都不能透露我们谁赞同了死刑,谁反对了死刑,我只能说,我,尽力了。
we inform that as member of international military tribunal for the far east ,we are doing administer justice according to law without fear favor or prejudiceaccording to our conscious and best understanding and there are not expose or discover.the both opinion of any particular member of tribunal upon__
or sentences,but we will preserve the __secrecy of every member. berfore we star ,a few things i want to qualify__,first of all we are not to be too formal among ourselves,so plaese cal me william.we should not treat each other equal and conside ourselves members one family .i'd hope this would be pleasant experience for all of us.now ,as the trial will be conducted on the basisi of common law system ,the sitting order of judes will be as follows :the u.s. great britain china sveit union canada france australia ...........
(梅:我们都同意 罪犯是有罪的,我们争论的焦点是,是否对他们处以死刑,战争中死了那么多人,只有死刑才能让他们瞑目,博奈尔先生,你说一个国家的文明程度取决于是否取消死刑,
mr. bar.
mei, sit down, please. do you want to discuss buddhism between?
i know very little about buddhism, but i respect the lord, as a child, i learnt form my parents, the budd teaches people to do good and not devil. is that right?
that’s the fundamental idea
so buddhism reveals goodness, does it punish people?
yes, but the buddhism say that punishment is carried out the next life
that means if someone does evil in this life time he would pay for it in the next, right?
that’s right.
then who were going to stop the crimes here now? can budd forbid japan’s done another war? you think hideki tojo believe in budd?
budd’ll be happy to believe. budd’ll love him and forgive him for everything he has done. in the end, budd will embrace everyone.
that is far away in the future. like budd, we all long for world does no wars, no crimes, but this longing has done nothing to forbid any of the evil did come out in this world, i do not question budd’s teachings, but i double very much about ability of human beings to follow budd’s you told here. budd say believe myth dream come true, but what if these criminal develop believe budd at all. i would agree with jesus in the question bile. give to satan what is satan, and god was god’s. mr. bar, why have we come to here? the judges from 11 countries are here to determine if crimes are committed. if so, punish them according to law.
mei, don’t try to persuade me anymore. i persist in my view point is correct.
mr. bar, i do not decide to count you either, i leave you what all greece say, destiny looks better than any of us.
mr. paul. (mei, sit down please. you want to discuss buddhism with me?)i know very little about buddhism, but i respect their law. as a child, i learn from my parents that buddhism teach people to do good, and not evil, is that right? (that's a fundamental idea.) so buddhism rewards goodness. does it punish evil? (yes, but buddhism says that punishment is carried out the next life.) that means, if someone does evil in this lifetime, he will pay for it in the next, right? (that's right.) then what's going to stop the crimes here and now? can buddha forbid japan's starting another war? you think hideki tojo believe in buddha? (buddha will have him believe. buddha will love him, and forgive him for everything he has done. in the end, buddha will embrace everyone. that's how his power works.) that's far away in the future. like buddha, we all long for a world that has no war, no crimes, but this longing has done nothing to forbid any of the evil to come onto this world. i do not question buddha's teachings, but i doubt very much the ability of human being's to follow buddha to his utopia. buddha said, believe makes the dream come true. but what if these criminals do not believe in buddha at all? i agree with jesus in the christian bible: give to caesar what is caesar's, and to god what's god's. mr. paul, why have we come to here? the judges from eleven countries are here to determine if crimes are committed. if so, punish them according to law. (mei, don't try to persuade me any more, i still think my view point is correct.) mr. paul, i have no design to conduct you, either. i leave you with an old greek saying: destiny knows better than any of us.
sir william, and my fellow judges, you are all legal experts, so i invite you to consider this question together: what is law? what is its function? after over 2 years, and 817 long hearings, we finally determine the criminals are guilty. here in the path way, we ?? over the questions of civilization and religion. gentleman, this is not a university classroom, this is not a temple, this is a court of law, with our focusing on a ?? penalty for such serious crimes. in my opinion, religion tells us what we should do to reach heaven. on the other hand, the law lays down clearly what we should not do, or we would be punished. by death, if crimes deserved it. this is law. this is why i insist on the death penalty. in the expand of its territory, and plundering other country's resources, japan caused the death of many innocent people. its soldier rob, rape, torture, slaughter millions of chinese, philippians, englishman, americans, and people of many other nationalities. isn't it enough to justify the death sentence? if the law could not punish japan and the criminals in this serious way, who could guarantee that japan will not start another war, who could guarantee that japan will not invade another country, who dares guarantee that japan's militarism will not rise again? which one of you dares make these guarantees?
all i want to say, what i need to say, i have said it. let us cast our votes now. for the sake of those who die in the war so they can rest in peace, please be prudent, because they are watching us.
巴尔:梅,请坐下,你想跟 我讨论佛学吗
梅:那时将来,我和佛一样期待人间没有战争,没有罪恶,但精神的期待能够左右现实生活中发生的种种不堪的丑恶,对人性的践踏?我不怀疑佛的力量,但我怀疑人间是否都能在佛的指引下走向光明,佛家不是说信则灵不信则不灵吗?那些人要是不信呢我倒赞成西方那句谚语:叫“上帝的归上帝,凯撒的归凯撒”巴尔先生,我们为什么来到这儿,我们十一国法官 来到这里就是为了审判,所以,我要求对他们依法严惩。
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