1、福能集团针对大学生着力打造的创业职业能力养成平台PVGO项目。 PVGO通过校园实践项目、金牌训练营 和全国百场高校宣讲活动 ,遴选知名高校最优秀的大学生进行创业/职业能力养成培训,为社会塑造高素质就业人才和一定能力的创业人才,扶植创业项目。
刘佳勇(John Liu),创办了福能集团,是福能集团董事长兼CEO,从事节能环保产品和服务行业,涉及太阳能等设备生产。畅销书《勇气可佳》作者。
简介 一位拥有美国华盛顿大学企业管理学博士、美国圣汤姆仕大学医学博士,并在修美国德州大学科技与法律博士,且担任注册资本10.5亿美元的美国富品集团公司董事,这就是“国际竞争力和微型利润管理专家”—— 黄力泓(Rich younker)。
曾担任联合国国科文组织亚太区文化官员。 黄力泓用他的智慧帮助过联合国、美国、中国等政府,同时把全球竞争力做为国际议题列为各项竞争指标的推手,是一位非常具有国际观的脑体经济学者。
2002年,知识经济与科技创作力培育国际研讨会发表的《知识经济下的优势转型与知识价值链》获得学术成就奖;2006年,第九届企业经营管理个案研讨会发表的《知识盘点流程设计与个案分析》获优秀论文奖;2007年,黄力泓博客获首届“泽君杯”大中华财经博客大赛三等奖。著作有《与众不同》、《创业家的MBA Rich younker教你中小企业赢利致胜之道》、《关于创业 你问对人了》等。
度嘉班妮品牌着力打造时尚、休闲、前卫风格,与时代流行趋势同步,体会的是最生活、最时尚的个性主义享受。它的设计充满时尚与中性化,张显传统的复古色调,却不失都市风范,不仅穿着舒适, 加上传统与现代相结合的设计风格,更显都市明朗的休闲色彩。是成功人士、白领一族休闲之首选。
Jimmy TingleGraduation Speech Transcript:Thank you.I am truly honored tobe here this morning. My name is Jimmy Tingle and that is my real name and Iwas born right here in Cambridge Massachusetts. I am an unlikely choice to givea commencement address at Harvard because quite frankly my friend, I am not ascholar, which will become increasingly more evident as I proceed. I am acomedian by profession, and I started to perform in here in the early 1980s,actually I did strip performing right down here in Harvard Square. I've travelled allaround the world performing standing up comedy. I don't want to brag buttwo years ago I performed in Europe and I just like to say:“Excellent Country.”You know what's nice for being herethis morning, you actually get that joke.Actually I am from along line of intellectuals, growing up here in Cambridge, we lived quite near acollege. My father owned and droved taxi cabs, here in Harvard Square, he willpick up Harvard professors, they would tell them things, he would come home andtell us. For generations, Harvard has given scholarships to students fromCambridge and students from all over the world who could meet the academicrequirements. Starting from the third grade, my dear sweet mother who was herethis morning would say to me:“Jimmy, if you studyreally hard, some day you could go to Harvard.”By the sixth grade,she stopped telling me that. By the eighth grade, our whole neighborhood hadtheir eye set on Harvard, not so much for scholarships but because it was anexcellent place to steal bicycles.I can rememberrunning through this very yard, some forty-years ago, being chased by theHarvard students, the Harvard faculty and The Harvard Police Department. Othercollege campuses in the 1960s were bitterly divided between the students andthe administration over civil rights and the war in Vietnam. But here inHarvard, my friends and I were able to unite: students, faculty and lawenforcement. It was in this very yard that I had my first spiritual awakening.As I was running I started to pray, please God, please God, don't let me get caught.I will never do it again. My mother will kill me. She always wanted me to go toHarvard; this isn't what she meant. And then I realized I wasan altar boy. I was a Catholic, I should have been praying before I tried totake the bicycle.And I just want tosay to the alumni gathered here this morning on behalf of myself and all theother miss-guided youth of Cambridge and Greater Boston who may haveun-justified taken your bicycles…We are sorry.And to the graduates,many of you will go on to position of great power and influence in business andpolitics and government and the temptations to cut corners, to lie, to steal,to cheat will be formidable. My advice to you today is simply this:“Ask for guidancebefore you commit the crime”. Trust me; it is much less embarrassing toask for help privately than to beg for forgiveness at graduation. And I am sograteful; I am so grateful that the petty crimes of my youth were not successful,for had my dishonest behavior been rewarded, I may not be with you here today.My life may have taken at different turns, and I may have ended up on WallStreet.I'd always wanted tothis school but always felt that was too late getting courage from family,friends, and colleagues, and my mum, and my wife Catherine, I put in anapplication anyway. And like of you who was absolutely over-joyed when thatletter of acceptant came in the mail. I couldn't believe this, afterall this years I have actually been accepted to Harvard; they must really needa commencement speaker.In this entire yearpeople has asked me Jimmy why would an comedian want to go to Harvard, the samereason all of you wanted to go Harvard, we got in. And all of us have facedchallenges getting here today and still more academic challenges when classstarted. My biggest academic challenge was the quantitative for graduation.Unfortunately I hadto take statistics. Fortunately we had had a wonderful and dedicated and greatteacher, Dr. Hughes Helen who was kind enough to arrange extra help sessionstor students who was struggling with the material. I went to every single extrahelp sessions she offered It was always very similarscenario, me and 19 students from other countries. Countries often in conflictwith one another, India and Pakistan, Turkey and Greece, Israelis andPalestinians, all of us were helping one another, all of us learning from oneanother, all of us supporting one another across racial, ethnic and religiousline and I say this as a native Bostonian, all of us with English as a secondla。
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