《幸福是什么》教学 >>详细 教学要求 1.使学生懂得幸福要靠劳动,要靠很好地尽自己的义务,做出对人们有益的事情.人们从你的劳动中得到了好处和快乐,你也就得到了幸福.2.朗读课文,理解课文内容,体会并说说课文的中心思想,培养阅读能力.教学重点 了解三个牧童对幸福各有怎样的体会,从而懂得真正的幸福是什么.教学难点 理解智慧的女儿两次话语中的深刻含义.教学时间 2课时.第一课时 一、课前谈话,引入课文 每个人都想得到幸福,那么同学们有没有认真想过幸福到底是什么呢?今天我们学的这篇课文题目就是“幸福是什么”.(板书课题) 二、指名朗读全文,检查预习情况,纠正不正确的字音 三、自己出声读全文,思考 1.课文讲了一件什么事?(写三个牧童把一口老喷泉挖成一口小水井,因而得到了智慧的女儿的祝福,并让他们自己去弄明白幸福是什么.十年以后,三个青年与智慧的女儿在小井旁边再次相遇,他们通过自己的劳动亲身体会到了幸福.) 2.默读课文,标出自然段序号,并说说课文的起因是什么?(把一口老喷泉挖成了一口小水井)(板书:挖小水井) 四、分析课文的起因 1.默读课文起因部分,思考三个牧童是怎么干的?2.指名几个学生说说他们挖小水井的过程.3.他们挖小水井时心情怎么样?把表现他们心情的语句划出来.4.读所划的语句,说说他们为什么这么快乐?结合上下文说一说.(因为他们看到自己的劳动有了成果并且给别人带来好处.) 五、朗读课文起因部分,读出他们快乐的心情 六、朗读全文,提出不理解的词语和句子 七、布置作业 读熟课文;查字典弄懂自己不理解的词语.第二课时 一、复习提问,引入本课时,激发兴趣 1.三个牧童挖小水井的目的是什么?(为了让别人喝.) 2.由挖小水井引出了一个问题是什么?(幸福是什么?) 3.那么幸福究竟是什么呢?三个牧童弄懂这个问题了吗?下面我们继续学习这篇课文.二、默读全文,想想三个牧童分手后,各自都做了些什么 (学做医生,为人治病;勤恳工作,对人有用;耕地种麦,养活多人)(板书) 三、十年后,三个牧童已经变成三个青年,回答 他们对幸福各有怎样的体会?请你朗读课文后说说.说后再回答:这些体会是怎么得到的?(通过劳动得到的.) 四、朗读全文,把智慧的女儿两次说的话划下来 读这两段话,结合三个青年的体会说说幸福是什么?(通过自己的劳动,尽自己的义务,做出对人们有益的事情,给人们带来快乐,这就是幸福.) 说说什么叫“有益”?(益就是好处.) 五、朗读全文体会“幸福”的含义,并想想课文的中心思想是什么 1.自己思考;2.小组讨论;3.大家讨论得出:本文告诉我们幸福是靠劳动,很好地尽自己的义务,从而做出对人们有益的事情,给人们带来快乐.六、谈谈你学了课文后有什么收获 七、总结深化 今天,我们知道了什么叫真正的幸福.我想同学们今后一定会努力学习,将来好好工作,好好生活.这样,我们每个人都会尝到幸福和快乐.。
Some friends have opposite views and interests, and some like the same things. What is your opinion? Should friends be different or the same? We asked some people what they think and this is what they said.I like to have friends who are like me. I am quieter than most of the kids in my class, and my best friend Yuan Li is quiet, too. There are some differences, though. I am smarter than Yuan Li. She is more athletic. James GreenIt's not necessary to be the same. I like to have friends who are different from me. My best friend Larry is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but Larry is more athletic than me. He always beats me in tennis. Also, I'm quieter than he is. Huang LeiI don't really care. My best friend is Carol. Carol is very funny, and more outgoing than I am. But we both like doing the same things. I don't think differences are important in a friendship. Mary smith。
短语:be interested in 对.感兴趣be used to doing sth.习惯做某事take a risk 或take risks 冒险do dangerous sports做危险的运动because of因为run out (of) 花光;耗尽have to do sth.不得不做某事be ready to do sth.准备做某事cut off 切断seem to似乎make good decisions 做出正确决定keep on doing sth.坚持做某事。
Dear Kangkang,Thank you for inviting me to your food festival.I'm sorry I'm not able to go.Let me tell you something about myself,Nigerian children and my village school.I was born in Nigeria and I'm a wrestler.I came to Canada in 1994.My favorite food is fried chicken.Wrestling,of course,is my favorite sport.I won a gold medal in the 2000 Sydney Olympics.Nigerian children are as lovely as the children everywhere else.They work hard at school.They also enjoy playing games.However,the school in my village is very old and small.It has only a few school supplies.What's worse,when it rains,the children in the classrooms all get wet.So I want to build a new school for them.I'm very pleased with what you are doing for us.Please give my best wishes to your friends.Sincerely,Daniel。
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