中国野生动物保护协会(CWCA)是一个具有广泛代表性的野生动物保护组织,于1983年12月在北京成立,是中国科协所属全国性社会团体,常设办事机构为秘书处,行政上受国家林业局领导野生动物保护组织。到2010年底,中国已拥有省、地、市、县级协会773个,拥有会员36万多人,它是由野生动物保护管理、科研教育、驯养繁殖、自然保护区工作者和广大野生动物爱好者组成的群众团体,其宗旨是推动中国野生动物保护事业的发展,为保护、拯救濒危、珍稀动物作出贡 献。其主要任务是:组织会员贯彻国家保护野生动物的方针、法令,开展拯救和保护珍稀野生动物的宣传教育,开展保护野生动物的科学研究、学 术交流,提供经营管理野生动物资源的技术业务咨询,筹募保护野生动物的资金,同各国自然保护组织和机构建立联系,参与有关国际合作与交流。
Wildlife Conservation Organization (WCS) is a protected wild animal for the purpose of public organizations. Them through education, to build the world's largest zoo and other action to change people's attitude towards nature, make people aware of animals and humans have the same right to life.
International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) is committed to worldwide by reducing commercial exploitation and trade of wild animals, protect habitat and help in crisis and suffering in animals to improve the welfare of wild and companion animals. IFAW actively seeking ways to solicit public participation, to stop the cruel abuse of animals, people and government institutions to promote the harmonious coexistence of animal welfare and animal protection policies.
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